
How to Apply to NWU

How to Apply to NWU – North West Universty

How to Apply to NWU – North West University

NWU Application and Acceptance Process

Wondering how to apply? Take a look below!
Always keep in mind that there are only a limited amount of places in certain programmes, students who wish to apply should apply as soon as possible and should try and obtain the highest marks possible.
All applications open in March/April and closing dates can be seen below:
Non-selection courses: September 30th
Selection courses (preferably before May 31th): June 30th
Communication Studies: June
Graphic Design: August
Application form can be found at this link.
Admissions requirements can be found at this link.
What will you need?
Two ID photos (identified on the back with name, surname and ID number)
Certified copies of your Grade 11 or most recent Matric marks, Matric/Senior Certificate/NSS, academic records of studies at another tertiary institution, certificate of behavior, identity documents, identity documents of both parents/guardians (if applicable), medical certificate (if applicable), study permit / residence permit if not a South African citizen, marriage certificate (married woman).
Don’t forget to complete your application form properly and honestly, this will affect if you are accepted or not into the University.
When completed, post your Application Form too:
The Registrar, Admission Section North-West University, Private Bag X6001, POTCHEFSTROOM, 2520
