
MSc Engineering Management (Coursework)

MSc Engineering Management (Coursework)

Programme Information

Unless the Dean, on recommendation of the relevant head of department, decides otherwise, the master’s degree is conferred on the basis of examinations of coursework and a mini-dissertation or a dissertation (including an examination on the dissertation). A minimum of 256 credits is required for the MEng (Engineering Management), MEng (Project Management), MSc (Engineering Management) and the MSc (Project Management), including a mini-dissertation (64 credits) and coursework(192 credits). Recognition is not granted for credits acquired during studying for the BEngHons or the BScHons. The curriculum is determined in consultation with the relevant head of department. Any specific module is offered on condition that a minimum number of students are registered for the module, as determined by the head of department and the Dean. Students must consult the relevant head of department in order to compile a meaningful programme, as well as for information on the syllabi of the modules. The various departmental postgraduate brochures should also be consulted.

Admission Requirements

The admission requirement for the MSc (Engineering Management) is a BScHons or equivalent qualification.




Undergraduate applications and admissions:
Ms Jenny van Rooyen
012 4205166
Ms Samantha Adams
012 4202650
Undergraduate and Honours:
Ms E Willemse
012 4202724
School of Information Technology
Ms P Ngwenya
012 4204186
School for the Built Environment
Mr R Mashiloane
012 4203656
School of Engineering
Ms MPM Motlhamme
012 4205299
Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering
Ms L Rix
012 4206625
Mechanical Engineering
Ms N Potgieter
012 4202987
Industrial and Metallurgical Engineering
Ms TMM Motsei
012 4206520
Chemical and Mining Engineering
Mr MJ Makhasa
012 4202142
Civil Engineering
Mr K Nkanyana
012 4206735
Honours and Honours applications
Ms SL Mgiba
012 4205316
Masters and Doctoral:
School of Information Technology
Civil Engineering
Metallurgical Engineering
Ms Dawn Taljaard
012 4204095
Graduate School of Technology Management
Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering
Mr Refentse Ramatong
012 4203011
Chemical Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Mechanical Enineering
Mining Engineering
Construction Economics
Town and Regional Planning
Ms Stefanie Steenberg
012 4205315


