
University Of Pretoria B Com

University Of Pretoria B Com

University Of Pretoria B Com, The range of extended programmes (four instead of three study years for a three year B degree) at UP have lower entrance requirements than other three year programmes and are designed to accommodate students who are academically less prepared, but who are willing to work hard to correct chinks in their academic armour, thus earning  success and eventually a degree. The programmes include an additional year of study during which students’ basic knowledge and skills are enhanced before progressing onto more focussed studies in the last three years of their chosen degree programmes. Furthermore, students who embark on these programmes theoretically have a much greater opportunity to succeed in their studies, as the teaching model, amongst others, utilizes smaller tutorial groups and provides dedicated support to students who need assistance to bridge the gap between school and university.


Prospective students must consult the faculty yearbooks and /or the undergraduate brochures for more information on admission requirements of the extended programmes offered in the different faculties.

Features of the BCom (Extended Programme)

The BCom (Extended Programme) programme comprises two distinct phases. During the first phase, which lasts 12 months or 2 semesters, students are trained and developed academically and psychologically to cope with further studies whilst at the Mamelodi Campus of the University of Pretoria. The second phase (3 years), which kicks off on the Hatfield Campus, will be addressed later in this document. More on the first phase:
  • During Phase 1, the academic content of modules (subjects) is delivered at a slower pace than the normal BCom programmes to provide students with more time to engage fully with the module content and thus develop a thorough understanding of the study material.
  • During the two semesters of the first phase, the pace will be stepped up gradually so that students will eventually be able to work at the normal speed required of university students during their studies.
  • Additional modules are prescribed during the first two semesters to help students to cope at university by focussing on language usage in the specific disciplines and associated study skills. Extra support is also provided via career guidance and counselling.
  • A large component of the teaching and learning takes place in smaller groups as this allows for more individual attention and provides ample opportunity for questions and discussion of difficult concepts.
  • In addition to the smaller tutorial classes, students also receive lectures in larger groups in certain modules where the teaching style is more formal. This is excellent preparation for the second phase of the programme as will be explained just now.
  • A variety of teaching methods is used to deliver module content to remedy possible gaps that may exist in school knowledge and this also includes computerised assignments and assessments in preparation of the hybrid teaching model followed on the Hatfield Campus when Phase 2 commences.
  • Phase 1 focuses on understanding and developing critical thinking skills as well as practical skills to cope with the modules in the second phase.
  • Progress is assessed on a continuous basis and students have to pass all their modules during Phase 1 to be transferred to Phase 2 on the Hatfield Campus. Failing to do so will result in students not being allowed to continue their studies at the University of Pretoria during the second phase, ie these students will be excluded from further study at the University of Pretoria.
  • The extended programme is offered in English only and supports the development of English language skills during the first phase.
The second phase commences after completing the first phase on the Mamelodi Campus and students will now find themselves on the Hatfield Campus of the University of Pretoria. The following is relevant to Phase 2:
  • Students will be allowed to select the BCom programme they would prefer to continue with during October of the first phase spent at the Mamelodi Campus.
  • Note that degrees in the Management Sciences are immediately accessible at the commencement of Phase 2, but students will only be considered for degrees in the Financial and Accounting Sciences at the end of their first year on the Hatfield Campus.
  • Transfer to degrees with an NSC Mathematics requirement of 5 and above, ie Financial, Economic and Accounting Sciences degrees, are only accessible if students meet the stringent transfer requirements set out in the Transfer Guidance (see EMS Faculty website) by the end of their first year on the Hatfield Campus.
  • The selection of modules during the first semester on the Hatfield Campus (ie third semester at UP) must be discussed with Faculty Administration to ensure that the optimal selection is made during this first semester on the Hatfield Campus.
  • If students are successful in Phase 2 on Hatfield Campus, they will be able to graduate with a BCom degree after a minimum of four years.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs):

Who should enrol for this degree?


This is the ideal degree for students who are interested in studying towards BCom degrees in the Management Sciences, but do not comply with all the Gr12 admission requirements for a three year degree. Some other possibilities are also available in the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences (EMS Faculty) if a student really performs well. Students must apply during October of their first year to transfer to the EMS Faculty on the Hatfield Campus. Placement in degrees such as the BCom (Accounting Sciences) and (Investment Management) will only be possible if capacity allows and if students meet the stringent transfer requirements set for these degrees at the end of their second year of study at UP or first year on the Hatfield Campus. Please consult the Transfer Guidance published on the EMS Faculty website.
Which modules are prescribed for students in the first year of this programme?
Academic information management
111, 121
Language, life and study skills
133, 143
133*, 143*
Financial Accounting
133, 143
Mathematical statistics
133, 143
133, 143

Students who want to continue with a BCom (Econometrics) degree must register for WTW 133 WTW 143, WST 133 and WST 143 and for a BCom (Economics) degree WTW 133 WTW 143, STK 133 and SKT 143 are required. Students who want to continue with any of the other BCom degrees need only register for WTW 133 and will not be required to register for WTW 143 in the second semester.

Students are referred to the Transfer Guide (available on the EMS Faculty Website) for specific requirements regarding individual degrees as these differ from one degree to the next.
Is this an easy programme?
No, unfortunately not. This is a university degree like any other and merely includes an extra year to bridge you from school to university and is not a repetition of school work whereby students effectively re-write Grade 12. Students find the Mathematics modules particularly challenging and need to work very hard and consistently at these modules from the first day.
At the end of each semester, you will write university exams and receive university credits if you pass. The programme is demanding and students will be expected to attend classes from early morning to late afternoon and pass all their modules during the first phase by the end of the first two semesters.
Where will I attend classes/lectures?
Students who are successfully admitted to the BCom (Extended Programme), will be placed on the Mamelodi Campus during Phase 1 (also known as their first year). Provided they pass all their modules at the end of their first year at the Mamelodi Campus, they will then be allowed to transfer to the Hatfield Campus to pursue their chosen BCom degree at the latter campus.
How many credits will I earn after completing the first 18 months of the BCom (Extended Programme) degree?
After successfully completing all the modules prescribed for the first three semesters (the first two at Mamelodi Campus and then the next one at Hatfield Campus), a student obtains credits equivalent to the first semester of a three year BCom degree programme.
What are the admission requirements for the BCom (Extended Programme)?
  • National Senior Certificate (NSC) with admission to university studies.
  • An admission point score (APS) of at least 26.
  • Mathematics at a level 3
  • English at a level 4
  • Life Orientation at level 4, but this is not counted when calculating the APS.
All prospective students are strongly advised to write the NBT (National Benchmark Test) and it is always better to write this test as late as possible in your Grade 12 year – we recommend July to October. Please visit our website for information on registration procedures for the NBT at:
Will all applicants meeting the requirements of the BCom (Extended Programme) Programme be accommodated?
No. There are limited spaces available and these are filled on a first-come-first-served basis provided prospective students meet the set entrance requirements. Placement in the BCom (Extended Programme) is based on the final Grade 12 results.
“What about accommodation …. and financial assistance to study?
Students may apply for residence accommodation or find their own accommodation close to the Mamelodi Campus of the University of Pretoria. Note that there is a high demand for residence accommodation and that academic merit is considered to be very important. There is student accommodation available close to the Mamelodi Campus in the Tuks Naledi Residence which is situated in the Savannah Estate right next to the N4 highway.
Financial assistance for the first year (2 semesters) on the Mamalodi Campus is available through NSFAS and students should apply online though the NSFAS website. The awarding of financial assistance and the amounts involved, will depend on the financial status of the family of the student.
How and when do I apply?
Prospective students are advised to apply online at the University of Pretoria as soon as possible. The closing date is 30 September.
Contact details:
Ms Khomotso Matabane
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 3064
[email protected]
or Student Service Centre
012 420 3111
