
North West University Grade r Teaching

North West University Grade r Teaching

North West University Grade r Teaching, The Department of Education has realised the lack of training in the field of Grade R teaching as well as a shortage of Grade R teachers. By offering this course, the institution wants to satisfy a national need of the country and deepen the knowledge base of people in the field of early childhood development. The Vaal campus has academic staff with the expertise to present the Grade R course where there is a great need in the community to attend this course.


By completing this course, the delegate will gain Understanding of child care and of different theories of development (Behaviorist, Maturationist and Constructivist) of the young child. She will be able to understand the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) and how to use interpret and implement the Gr R (CAPS) in her daily activities.She will gain skills on completion of this course, and will be able touse the different types of development skills to develop children and will be able to develop her own daily programmes for children to follow. She will be able to manage routines and transition and to build an interactive programme for children to develop their communication skills.

Admission requirements:
Grade 12 or Grade 10 with three (3) years working experience
Learning assumed to be in place:
Three (3) years work experience, if delegate did not pass Grade 12, Literacy and Numeracy, and Communication skills.
Course outcomes and the associated assessment criteria:

Study Unit


Assessment Criteria

After completion of this course, participants will: Participant will be assessed on the following criteria:

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of ways of seeing the development of babies, toddlers and young children


  • Make use of their own views about how to compare the views of others e.g.ubuntu, human rights in the immediate environment.
  • Use different ways to highligt key similarities and differences in the theories of development.
  • Be able to  see the development of young children are compared to highlight key similarities and differences in the theories (comparison should include at least two theories and own observations)
  • Make use of different factors to develop children in each domain in line with relevant existing theories.Take in account gender, social-economic background, age environment and the impact of special needs and principles of inclusion and anti-bias

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children within each domain of development



  • Explain how gender, social-economic background, age, environment and special needs impact on the development of children in each domain are consistent with establishment theories or literature and the principles of inclusion and anti-bias
  • Provide and describe  to show how development is shaped by socio-cultural influences (socio-cultural influences refers to beliefs, value and practices; interpersonal relationships; and relationships with the environment) and to  show how development within each domain is linked to and  affected by development in other domains
Facilitate development of babies, toddlers and/or young children
  • Facilitate the  uses of  developmentally appropriate activities that are fun, relevant and meaningful to the life-world of the children.
  • Facilitate the  cues provided by the children, while providing structure and experiences for their own development  noted through active listening and observation.
  • Facilitate an  approach that is multi-cultural, avoids bias and is sensitive to the existing knowledge, experiences and needs of the children.
  •  Will take advantage of teachable moments (“Teachable moments “ refers to those unplanned opportunities for development that present themselves during the daily programme, or routine if child is cared for at home by a parent figure)
  • Manage in a manner that promotes development and is sensitive to the needs of individual children
  • Communicate  responsively and development in general , and language development in particular.  Use Questioning techniques, where applicable, be open, positive and responsive, that will promote the child’s development and help to make learning explicit where appropriate.
  • To use verbal and non-verbal interactions value the children and are encouraging, supportive , participatory, warm, caring and responsive to emotional and developmental needs.
  • Facilitate is in a manner that ensures the physical and emotional safety, security and comfort of the children.
  • Facilitate that behaviour and life skills are modelled in a developmentally appropriate manner (“Modelling” here refers to the way in which the facilitator provides an example to the children concerning)
  • Facilitate and ensure the holistic development of children
  • Use behaviour and conflict management is positive, sympathetic, constructive, supportive, respectful and in line with current legislation
Reflect on own facilitation
  • To reflect and considers own facilitation approach in relation to the developmental aims
  • Feedback is obtained from a variety of relevant sources on the value and success of the facilitation approach. Such sources include colleagues and parents.
  • Reflect on the  strengths and weaknesses of the way in which development is facilitated.
  • Identify  the extent to which facilitation  contributes meaningfully to the overall aims of the Early Childhood Development service.
  • Provide recommendations to build on strengths and address identified weaknesses, thereby helping to improve future facilitation.
  • To record Findings and recommendations clearly to support future facilitation
Observe babies, toddlers and young children (observe by seeing and active listening, supplemented by questioning as needed)
  • Observe and contribute towards assessment of individual development.
  • Observe in a way that minimise bias and subjectivity
  • Observe  and  guide by given frameworks, assessment  guidelines or instruments
  • Observe ongoing and based observations  on daily activities and provide sufficient information to establish patterns of development
  • Observe the full spectrum of activities in the routine or daily programme
Record observations (anecdotal records, checklists, rubrics, reports)
  • Records accurately and  reflect that the observations are culturally sensitive and bias free
  • Structure the records  in a clear and systematic manner, and include any information that may be needed for tracking progress
  • Make use of the useful records to  contribute towards assessment of individual development, referrals, design of programmes and activities, and evaluation of activities and programmes
Give feedback on observations (feedback to colleagues, parents, supervisors, team, specialised services)
  • Give feedback using appropriate feedback mechanisms and in accordance with confidentiality requirements
  • Make sure feedback is clear and relevant to the child’s development
  • Give feedback with appropriate sensitivity to diversity and emotions
  • Give  feedback in a type and manner that is constructive and meaningful
  • Provide Sufficient information to enable the purpose of the observation to be met, and to enable further decision  making (further decisions include interventions, referrals, further observation)
Analyse the context
  • Analyse and identifies the key factors that could have an impact on the programme (key factors related to the Early Childhood Development setting, the environment and the board needs of child/children)
  • Analysie clearly and identifies the developmental stages and particular needs of all the children within the given context (analysis includes the needs of children at risk and special needs)
  • Analyse Early Childhood Development (ECD) –related frameworks (this may include curricula, national policies, support material and documented socio – economic trends)
  • Analyse the  scope and depth to inform the development of the programme
Prepare a programme (includes adapting given programmes; in some situation, the term “daily routine” My be used instead of  “programme”
  • Address the development stages of the programme and particular needs of the children as revealed by the analysis
  • Provide flexible options for implementation  of the programme.
  •  Specify the sequence, timing and main resource requirements of the planned activities, including opportunities for assessment in the programme.
  • To include a mix of routine activities, adult-initiated activities and child-initiated activities as appropriate to the context) in the programme.
  • To provide a balance between indoor and outdoor activities and individual, small and large group activities to support the development of the children. The balance between the such activities, particularly between individual and group activities, is appropriate to the developmental stages of the children.
  • To implement the programme  in the given context and within available resources
  • To comply the programme  with relevant national policies and guidelines
Reflect on the programme (reflections may take place before during and after implementation)
  • Obtain feedback from relevant sources on the value and success of the programme(sources may include colleagues, mentors, children, parents and other stakeholders)
  • Reflect and  identity strengths and weaknesses of the programme to contribute  meaningfully to the overall aims of the Early childhood Development (ECD) service
  • Find ways to improve upon the programme and identify  and take note for future plans and programmes
Provide a safe and healthy environment to prevent and reduce injuries and illness
  • Identify Legal implications of providing responsible care, with particular reference to public liability issues and related responsibilities of care-givers (recorded history of monitoring and reporting)
  • Re identify and explain Environmental hazards in terms of their potential impact on the safety of children. (Identification of potential indoor and outdoor health and safety hazards within each of the following categories: burns; cuts and lacerations; unprotected water sources; poisoning, choking and strangulation; falls; electricity; traffic issues; animals)
  • Identify and explain Environmental hazards in terms of their potential impact in the health of children (hazards include but are not limited to polluted water sources, poisoning (including lead), radiation (cell phone masts), animals, parasites (worms), food deprivation, food contamination, medicines)
  • Strategise to  prevent and/or correcting safety hazards in the environment thus ensuring a safe environment as per the ages and stages of the children
  • Strategise to  prevent  and/or correcting health hazards in the environment are identified and implemented, thus ensuring a safe environment as per the ages and stages of the children (ensuring prevention according to categories of disease transmission – categories of disease transmission include oral-faecal, blood, respiratory (air –borne), contact, etc)
  • Maintain written health& Safety records to accurately reflect strategies and action taken
  • Contract lists of available emergency services and parents/guardians are accurate and easily accessible
  • Ensure Emergency plans. procedures and equipment are available, and appropriate to the given emergencies, and can be understood by all the adults and children (emergency plans for fire, public violence, natural disasters)
  • Have appropriate Supervision of children for  their development level and the degree of potential risk involved (supervision of children within the scope of hearing or vision, indoor, outdoor and outing supervision)
Promote and maintain optimal health and nutrition for caregivers and children (health and nutrition includes but is not limited to feeding, growth monitoring, training, making a menu, food gardens, isolating children with infections, monitoring children, carrying out health checks, taking universal precautions)
  • Monitor Child health and instruments are correctly interpreted and integrated into practice (health monitoring instruments refer to the “Road to Health card” which is held by the family)
  • Be aware and implement the Workplace Health Policies and Guidelines is explained in terms of maintaining staff health (maintenance of health includes but is not limited to immunization, back care lifting heavy objects. HIV and |AIDS, exclusion due to specific illnesses)
  • Be able todescribe in terms of their symptoms and transmission of common childhood diseases and infections, as well as possible effects on Individuals and/or groups (disease include acute and chronic illnesses – Integrated management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) – childhood disease symptoms include but is not limited to rashes (including genitalia ) elevated temperature, unusual irritability, lethargy, prolonged loss of appetite, diarrhoea, coughing and nasal/other discharges, respiratory rates, sores that will not heal; multiple skin eruptions, swollen glands and sore throat, ear-ache)
  • Respondto appropriate to the different illness and to the nature of the illness. Children presenting symptoms of common infectious diseases are referred to qualified Health Practitioners (notifiable diseases are reported by Health Practitioners to the Department of Health (DoH)
  • Act and communicate and respond to the holistic needs of children deal with it in a non-discriminatory and confidential manner, taking into consideration the child’s socio-cultural context
  • Respondto injuries and emergencies appropriately in the given situation and in line with emergency procedures and first aid practice. Conditions outside of scope of competence are referred to the appropriate authorities without delay (injuries and emergencies include but are not limited to seizures, asthmatic attacks, minor injuries, fractures, choking, biting, burns, universal precautions)
  • Keep records to reflect up-to-date and accurate accounts of health history, regular checks and monitoring activities, medications, actions taken, accidents and incidents (records are recorded on an incident report form, log book or daily journal as required)
  • Administer medication only with written consent from parent/guardian and in line with instructions. Consequences of incorrect application of medicines are described with reference to the wellbeing of the child, and possible legal consequences of negligence (control includes but is not limited to maintenance of health records, scheduled administration of medicines, secure storage of medicines)
  • Make sure general precautions are identified and applied consistently to promote general health and welfare of children and adults (precautions include but are not limited to clean and appropriate clothing; balanced nutrition ; personal hygiene routines, Universal precautions)
  • Provide Nutrition needs of children in relation to their age, special dietary requirements and cultural preferences, while ensuring balanced meals (the nutritional needs could be provided for in a number of ways, for example by providing guidance to parents on menus by arranging meals where possible or applicable, or by preparing food. Practitioners will have access to nutrition guidelines.
  • Provide Nutrition advice and guidelines of children to  adultsto promote good nutrition and to serve to encourage them to promote their own good health.
Promote and protect the rights of children (the following documents provide a basis of this outcome: International conventions; United Nations Convention on right and Welfare of the Child; African Charter on Rights of the Child, current Children’s legislation including regulation: Child Care Act and Regulations; South Africa Constitution 1996, Department of Social development minimum norms and standards for Early Childhood Development Services, Manifesto on Values, Education and Democracy)
  • Provide education  to children concerning children’s right is consistent with current legislation and regulations and is appropriate for the stage of development of the children
  • Identify Violations of child rights are correctly and reported according to given procedures
  •  Monitor children are continuously and is sufficient to promote the safety of children (safety includes but is not limited to keeping strangers out, controlling who taken children home, not leaving children outside centre unsupervised, making sure children are not locked into centres, and where appropriate, the transportation of children)
  • Use Opportunities to educate parents about ways of protecting children (education includes understanding the rights of the child
 Manage routines and transitions(Routines refer to arrival, departure, meals, toilet, resting, house-keeping (washing, cleaning up, putting away, tidying up) sleeping and self-help skills according to ages and stages – transitions refer to shifting or moving from activity to activity, from location to location, or from person to person
  • Keep routines sufficiently flexible to cater for the individual needs of children
  • Keep routines implemented and sensitive to individual needs and consistent with child rights
  • Make sure Routines and transitions extend learning and are managed in a way that promotes independence, participation and an understanding of the days progress/sequence
  • Manage Routines and transitions in a way that builds relationships and trust between children and  adults
  • Manage Routines  at a level that is appropriate for the level of development of the different children
  • Integrate Routines as far as possible into activities, with sufficient opportunity for children to obtain a feeling of competence
  • Record Information on babies, toddlers and young children is on a daily basis (information includes but is not limited to sleeping, feeding, elimination (nappies & potties)
Assignments, tests and group work.
Method of assessment:
Assignments (one individual and one group assignment) and Tests (two class tests). Minimum requirement is 50% per assignment. The assignments will be marked according to a rubric or a memorandum. Exemption from attendance will only be considered if the delegate presents a medical certificate.

P18 1001
Mode of delivery:
Target group:
Early childhood development (ECD) practitioners assisting with Grade R learners.

Contact us

Mr Junior Mthimkhulu
Telephone number:
016 910 3013

  Press Release

NWU introduces new course for Grade R teachers

Issued by: North West University
[North West, 25 November 2015]A new three-year programme will be introduced in the Faculty of Education and Training in 2016 at the NWU Mafikeng Campus. The Grade R Diploma Practices is specifically designed for Early Learning Centres and Grade R teachers across the North West Province.
Students who enrol for this programme will receive financial support from the Education, Training and Development Practices (ETDP) department from the Sector Education and Tanning Authority also known as the SETA.
Approximately one hundred students enrolled for 2016 will attend classes during weekends and school holidays. The programme is also linked to the research office of the Faculty.
According to the CEO of EDTP SETA Nombulelo Mxesi, the decision was made given the shortages of Grade R teachers in the country. “We saw it befitting to partner with North-West University in the development of such scarce skills. This will go a long way in improving the quality of teaching and learning in our schools and making schools centres of excellence.”


Editorial contacts

North West University
Phenyo Mokgothu
Marketing and Communication

(018) 389 2276
[email protected]
