
Rhodes University Courses

Rhodes University Courses

Courses Offered ARE ;
COMMERCE – B: Business Science, Commerce, Economics.
EDUCATION – National Professional Diploma in Education (NPDE).
Bachelor of Education (BEd): Foundation/Intermediate Phase, Senior/FET Phase.
Advanced Certificate in Education (ACE): Early Childhood Development, School Leadership, Education Leadership & Management, English Language Teaching, Environmental Education, (Advanced Certificate in Environmental Education), Foundation Phase, Intermediate Phase, Senior Phase, Information & Communication Technology, Mathematics Education, Life Orientation, Mathematics Literacy, Science Education, Technology Education.
HUMANITIES – Anthropology, Drama, English, English Language & Linguistics, Fines Art, History, Music, Politics, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Languages, Journalism.
PHARMACY – BSc Pharmacy.
SCIENCE – Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, Information Systems, Geography, Geology, Environmental Science, Botany, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Zoology, Marine Biology, Entomology, Ichthyology, Mathematics , Statistics, Human Kinetics and Ergonomics , Economics, Psychology.


Psychology I
Psychology II
Psychology III
Masters in Clinical or Counselling Psychology
Masters & PhD by Thesis


Full time students are expected to choose 2-3 modules per semester from the list provided above. Each module has one class meeting per week for 2 hours. Those students who opt for five papers instead of a research paper will have to choose three modules. If a student is going to do a research paper he/she will have to start working on the research from the first semester.

African Sociolinguistics and Globalisation

This course provides an introduction to the history of the English language and the relationship of English to African Languages. Furthermore, the course explores the context and effects of English as a global or international language. There is also a specific emphasis on the use of English in Africa and how it interacts with African languages. The implications of this use of English in a postcolonial Africa, and the effect it has had on the peoples of the continent are explored. Essentially, we are looking at the history of English as an international language, its spread and impact on African languages, and the consequences of this spread for individuals and societies.


Translation and Interpreting Studies

The course is intended to:

  • develop a general understanding of the subject of translation and its relationship to language planning (corpus planning);
  • to provide an understanding of the translation theory;
  • help explore how translation can be used in African languages to facilitate their intellectualisation;
  • distinguish between technical and literary translation;
  • explore strategies that one can employ in the translation process;
  • consider some challenges and/or problems that translators, especially in African languages, are often confronted with;
  • assist in understanding the process and the stages of translation; and

give participants skills to use the knowledge and skills given above in practical translation by undertaking translations of selected ‘technical’ and ‘literary’ texts.


Language Planning and Policy

This course examines the principles from which South African Language Policy has been derived. This will be carried out by looking at the historical background of South African Languages and also comparing it with language planning of other countries. The course will look at how the government, individuals, organisations and groups have influenced the language use and development in a multilingual country like South Africa. There will be an emphasis on factors underpinning language planning decisions at local, national and international level.
Students will be encouraged to employ the knowledge gained in their own languages. The course’s aim is also to illustrate relationship/link in all the other modules on offer for example the association between translation, linguistics theory, sociolinguistics and globalisation. It will focus on the different kinds of Language Planning and language aspects that influence or are influenced by languages such as economy, socio-political aspects, education, multilingualism as a resource or problem, language shift, death and development.

Linguistics Theory

The course examines the theoretical framework of African Languages especially the grammatical descriptions. It seeks to explore the meaning and use of the languages. Comparative studies will be part of the course. Knowledge on the broad understanding of issues in language will be imparted. It will explore the various aspects of unconscious linguistics knowledge. Students will be expected to give an in depth understanding of language skills especially in communication.


This course deals with all the genres of isiXhosa Literature. It aims to impart knowledge on the analysis of novels, short stories, essays, drama, and poetry. Students will be introduced to a variety of books associated with these genres.

Introduction to Lexicography and Terminology

The aim of this course is to introduce language students to the disciplines that underpin one of the fundamental resources of the practising linguist: the dictionary, in all its forms*. This is intended to be a practical course, which will align theoretical background with hands-on experience of both using and preparing lexicographic and terminological materials for applied language activities such as translation, interpretation, writing and editing.
*In this context, the word ‘dictionary’ is used generically to cover all types of word lists, term lists, and glossaries.


This degree is offered by a thesis on any approved topic to full or part time students. It caters for candidates who hold a Post Graduate degree in any African Language, students holding an ordinary degree will be accepted in exceptional cases. When the candidate’s subject of research has been approved, such approval will remain in force so long as the annual registration fee is paid.
Candidates are expected to report in person to their supervisors from time to time and these candidates should be registered for at least two years. Since this course is offered by theses the first step for these candidates is to write a research proposal by following the Higher Degrees Guidelines. Once the proposal has been approved by Higher Degrees Committee the candidate can continue with his/her research. For more information please refer to General Rules G.50 to G. 61 of the university calendar.
