
University Of Fort Hare Theology

University Of Fort Hare Theology, The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FSSH) was established through an amalgamation of schools, departments and programmes some of which have been in existence for close to a century. The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities was established on 1 January 2005 as a partial outcome of the University’s Strategic Planning process to facilitate the incorporation of the East London Campus. The Faculty has its roots in the former Faculty of African and Democracy Studies which was constituted out of the former Faculties of Arts, Law and Theology, and now incorporates the East London based Social Science and Humanities academic departments, together with and the Eastern Cape Audio Visual Centre (ECAVC) in East London, and the National Heritage and Cultural Studies Centre (NAHECS) in Alice.



The following degrees are conferred:

  •                 Bachelor of Theology                          
  •                 Bachelor of Theology (Honours)                      
  •                 Master of Theology                                 
  •                 Doctor of Theology                                  

Career Opportunities in this field are as follows:


                                                      Religious Leader   

                                                      Minister of Religion




                                                      Human Resource Manager

                                                      Legislator Policy Maker  

                                                      Social Worker


                                                      Pastoral Counsellor

                                                      Development Practitioner 

                                                      Community Developer


Postgraduate level: Bachelor of Theology Honours


 A learner may be admitted as a candidate for the degree Bachelor of Theology (Honours) when s/he:

  1. has successfully completed the degree of Bachelor of Theology;
  2. has successfully completed the degree of Bachelor of Arts, or a BA in Theology, at this or another University with, at least, two majors in the field of theology;
  3. qualifies in terms of paragraph G.15 of the general rules for the honours degree.

Postgraduate level: Master of Theology

For details about the qualification for registration, duration of programme and dissertation refer to the General Rules for the Masters degree



  1. The degree shall normally be conferred in the area of specialisation followed by the learner for his/her honours degree. Under special circumstances, however, for example in studies of an interdisciplinary nature, this does not apply.
  2. A learner shall be admitted for the M Th degree if she/he has completed the degree of B Th (Hons) at this University or obtained  equivalent status

Postgraduate level: Doctor of Theology


  1. The General Rules are applicable for admission to the D Th degree.
  2. The doctoral programme consists of a full-length thesis, completed under competent supervision.



TET 111 Introduction to Christian Ethics

Purpose: An appreciation of the relevance of Christianity, especially its morals, in the current South African situation
Contents:  Consideration of selected ethical issues and problems from a Christian perspective; Christian ethics as relating to human rights, the socio-economic processes and the political order

TET 311 Morality in Christianity and Africa: a creative encounter

Purpose:   Learners acquire the potential to formulate and apply ethical insights gained from the creative encounter between Christian and African morality to a variety of different moral issues in South Africa today
Contents:  Religion and ethics: Inter religious dialogue and the role of values within society; The relation between religion and ethics; theological ethics; Case study: e.g. an Old Testament perspective on e.g. capital punishment and abortion; Human sexuality: body and identity: A comparative study of sexuality in biblical times and contemporary society; Investigation of the function of body and sexuality in constructing identity today; Exploring ethical dimensions in/of human sexuality today; Economic ethics: Biblical perspectives on economic ethics (Hebrew prophets on land and economic order, guidelines from legal traditions and wisdom literature, New Testament considerations); Investigating underlying value assumptions in the dominant -and conflicting – Western and traditional African economic approaches and testing the newer idea of a social market economy; Major theories on distributive justice and problems with its South African application (e.g. land, affirmative action, worker participation in economic decision making);
Environment and technology: Survey of the beliefs concerning the relationship to and use of the material held by Modern Western society, Christian traditions, African Traditional beliefs, Hinduism and Islam; Contrast between first and third world attitudes to the environment and critique of the belief on dominion over the environment from a Christian perspective; Is a sustainable relationship to the environment possible and desirable?


TCH111 History of African Christianity

Purpose:   Learners are to identify general trends in the history of African Christianity
Contents:  African Christianity in the Medieval period; Renewal of mission East and Central Africa; West Africa; West Central Africa; Northern Africa; Independent Black Africa: Church, State and Society

TCH121 African Christianity in Antiquity

Purpose: Learners are required to identify challenges facing the church in the wider context of the period (social, political, economic, cultural, religious)
Contents: The Jewish Diaspora in Africa, with special reference to Alexandria; Egyptian Gnosticism; Catechetical School of Alexandria: Pantaenus, Clement, Origen; Arian Controversy and Athanasius; Coptic Christianity; Persecution in Africa; Monasticism; Monophysite churches; Tertullian and Montanism; The Donatist Church; Augustine; Early history of Islam; Relevant issues in the interpretation of Scripture

TCH211 Reformation as Process (semper reformanda)

Purpose:   Learners are required to identify key issues in the Reformation period (socio/politico/theological) and engage in critical discourse on these issues
Contents:  Tradition of Christian diversity; Scripture, tradition and authority; Doctrinal debate; Externals of Protestantism and Roman Catholicism; Priesthood and ministry; Reformation and mission; Church and worship; Intolerance and exclusivism; Ecumenism; Reformation and secular society

TCH221 History of Christianity in South Africa in the Twentieth Century

Purpose:   Learners are to acquire the ability to discuss at an academic level the relevant socio/politico/theological issues of the period under study
Contents:  Expansion of Christianity (second half nineteenth century); Impact of discovery of gold; Christianity, imperialism and colonial warfare; Role of African clergy; African Initiated Churches; Establishment of local churches; Segregation and apartheid; South African Council of Churches/Church Unity Commission; Black consciousness and Black Theology; Study of significant documents of the period; Use of the Bible in African Theology

TCH311 Revivals, Revolutions and Missions

Purpose:   Learners are to demonstrate the relationship between development in Europe and the missionary enterprise as a prelude to modern African Christian history Content: The ‘Enlightenment’ and Deism; Relevant issues in the interpretation of Scripture; German Pietism; The Evangelical Revival and early Methodism; The rise of ‘Liberal Theology’ in Germany; The Scottish Church scene in the nineteenth century; The life and work of Tiyo Soga and other notable Africans; The Roman Catholic Church in the 18th and 19th centuries; The rise of the missionary movement; Industrialism and the Social Gospel

TCH321 Modern Christian History

Purpose: Learners will identify challenges facing Christianity in the contemporary world and discuss how these may be resolved
Content: The Ecumenical Movement; The Church under totalitarian regimes; Theological developments in Europe; Twentieth century Roman Catholic Christian history; he development of liberation theologies; Relevant issues in the interpretation of Scripture


Tel: 040 602 2582
Fax: 040 602 2442
eFax: 086 620 4549
E-mail: [email protected]

Mrs N Cwaba-Jaza
Telephone Number: 040 602 2564
E-mail address: [email protected]
