
The National School of the Arts, South Africa

The Drama Department provides an opportunity for personal growth on many levels. Strong emphasis is placed on the development of actors and theatre practitioners.


Emphasis is placed on performance and learners are provided with as many performance opportunities as possible.

Each year the school presents a major production in a professional theatre and at least two additional productions at the school. In addition, there is an annual showcase in which every drama learner is involved in performance.


Practical training includes:

Acting, Voice, Movement, Physical Theatre, Stagecraft, Mime, Poetry, Workshop, Directing

However, there is also a large theory component, which covers the study of :

Play texts & their contexts, Theatre History & Design, Arts Administration, Stagecraft, Poetry, Voice, Theory, Ritual, Mythology

  National School of the Arts Audition Requirements


 Submission of Artwork Guidelines

  1. One-page essay in English.
  2. One clear photo of your complete wooden chair
  3. One clear photo of your complete self-portrait
  4. One clear photo of your complete paper/textile
  5. AFFIDAVIT from a police station stating that the work submitted is the original and unaided work of the applicant (learner).
  6. ESSAY: Write a One-page essay in English on: Why I would like to study at the NSA and the career that I want to follow after Grade 12.
  7. ARTWORK 1: A3 size Pencil drawing of a wooden chair. The chair must be drawn from life. In other words do not copy from a photo or a drawing from the internet. Use a chair from the place where you are staying.

Your artwork will be assessed on the following criteria: 

  • Understanding of (positive & Anegative) space and perspective drawing
  • Use of formal design elements and principle of art/design
  • Technique and craftsmanship and use of material
  • Professional presentation of work (neatness)
  1. ARTWORK 2: self-portrait of at least 50 cm x 30 cm: You may use pencil, colour pencils, paint, etc. Your self-portrait must be drawn from life. Draw yourself in the mirror. Pay attention to how the face is divided before working on your final portrait. Do not copy from a photo or a drawing from the internet

Your artwork will be assessed on the following criteria: 

  • Creativity and originality
  • Use of formal design elements and principle of design
  • Technique and craftsmanship, evidence of design involvement (own work)
  • Professional presentation of work (neatness)
  1. ARTWORK 3: A design of a wall paper/textile for any purpose, in colour (e.g. pattern for fabric/tile etc. or a poster). 

Your artwork will be assessed on the following criteria: 


  • Creativity and originality
  • Use of formal design elements and principle of design
  • Technique and craftsmanship, evidence of design involvement (own work)
  • Professional presentation of work (neatness and functionality of the design)


Submission of Artwork Guidelines

  1. Two-page essay in English.
  2. One clear photo of your complete still life (Visual Art)
  3. Three clear photos of each of the three logo ideas and One photo of your final logo for your Cheese Label and Logo
  4. Four clear photos of your 3-Dimensional (3D) self portrait. You must capture the Top-View, Left Side-View, Right Side-View and Front-View of your Self Portrait. All of the photos must have a LION matchbox next to them for reference purposes.
  5. AFFIDAVIT from a police station stating that the work submitted is the original and unaided work of the applicant (learner).
  6. ESSAY: Write a Two-page essay in English on: Why I would like to study at the NSA and the career that I want to follow after Grade 12.
  7. ARTWORK 1: Visual Art (Still Life) A still-life is a work of art depicting mostly inanimate subject matter, typically commonplace objects which are either natural (food, flowers, dead animals, plants, rocks, shells, etc.) or man-made (drinking glasses, books, vases, jewelry, coins, pipes, etc.
  • Set-up a still-life of different objects that describe you as a person e.g. your favorite clothes, shoes, toys, books, precious items.
  • Firstly make three small A5 size sketches of your still-life in different views/perspectives.
  • From your three sketches decide which one has interesting composition and use it to RE-DO it on A3 as your final artwork. When you do this keep in mind the proportions of your objects and how they relate to each other. It is best to first draw the outline of your still-life in line pencil and when you are happy with your composition and proportions then start using your chosen mediums.  
  • Divide your still-life into four or more sections in any configuration of your choosing. For each section of your still-life choose a medium that you are comfortable with and use it there. Note that you may not repeat any medium in the different sections. For each section of your still-life you can add a different drawing surface to draw on.
  • The main aim of this activity is for you to display how you handle different art materials, your understanding of elements of art e.g. space (negative& positive), texture, light/tone, shape, form and colour. One of your sections must be done in colour medium.
  • This artwork must be in A3 size or bigger and part of it can be a collage, painting, mixed media, charcoal, drawing ink, soft pastel, water colour, pencil, kokipen, permanent marker or highlighters
