
University Of Kwazulu Natal Biokinetics

University Of Kwazulu Natal Biokinetics, The Science of Movement and the application of exercise in rehabilitative treatment of performance.
Movement is an essential part of everyday life, depended on constantly by people of all ages. Movement affects development, learning, communicating, working, health, and quality of life. At the most basic level, movement permits people to navigate and to stay oriented within their environment. It is critical for most work and recreation and allows people to interact more fully. For these reasons, movement is a defining element of quality of life
Movement may be diminished or lost because of heredity, aging, injury, or disease. Such loss may occur gradually, over the course of a lifetime, or traumatically in an instant.
Conditions of movement loss that are linked with chronic and disabling diseases pose additional challenges for patients and their families. From the public health perspective, the prevention of either the initial impairment or additional impairment from this environmentally orienting and socially connecting functioning requires significant resources.
University of Kwazulu Natal Biokinetics, Prevention of movement loss or the resulting disabling conditions through the development of improved disease prevention, detection, or treatment methods or more effective rehabilitative strategies must be a global priority.
The profession of Biokinetics has evolved as a primary care health profession responding to the universal need for quality, accessible, cost-effective health care. Biokineticists are widely distributed in communities around the world; they provide economic value for the services they offer; they detect a wide spectrum of conditions at a savings to the health care system; they provide entry into the health care system for many patients who would otherwise not seek care; they prepare our children for the competitive marketplace by assuring their physical fitness and preparedness for learning and achievement; they maximize employment productivity and benefit economic stability; and they promote quality of life and individual independence, rather than more costly institutionalized and supported care.


Biokinetics primary function is to improve physical functioning and health care through exercise as modality.
Biokinetics is the profession concerned with health promotion, the maintenance of physical abilities and final phase rehabilitation, by means of scientifically-based physical activity programme prescription

A Biokineticist is a clinical exercise specialist who:


  • Functions within professional alliance to health and medicine, and is recognised by and registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa.
  • Improves a person’s physical wellbeing and quality of life through individualised scientific assessment and the prescription of exercise in rehabilitative treatment to prevent or intervene with certain ailments and the enhancement of performance (sport and work).
  • Evaluates & Measures: body posture, body composition, blood pressure, glucose levels, lung function, heart rate, fitness, muscle strength, endurance, power, flexibility and other health screenings.
  • Is a health professional who through health promotion and wellness create a better quality of life for people they work with?

Undergraduate degree-Sport Sciences

CHS – SPSC 1 Curriculum for the Bachelor of Sport Science
The curriculum for the qualification Bachelor of Sport Science, comprising modules with a total credit point value of 384 credits as approved by the Senate, shall extend over six semesters of full-time study.
CHS – SPSC 2 Progression requirements
To maintain their good standing, and to avoid either warning for slow academic progress or exclusion from the University, students must maintain minimum rates of progression through their qualifications. Minimum rates of acceptable progression for this qualification are set out below.

Number Semestersregistered Min. Progressionrequirements “At Risk” threshold(75% of Maximum) Normal progression
1 32 54 72
2 64 96 128
3 96 138 184
4 144 192 256
5 176 240 320
6 216 288 384
7 256 320
8 296 384
9 384
10 384



Curriculum for Bachelor of Sport Science(B-SPS)
Level 1
Code Name of Module Credits Sem
SSBR101 History & Management of Sport Science 16 1
SSBR113 Principles of Coaching & Conditioning 16 1
SSBR115 Practical Component level 1A 8 1
HPHS111 Basic Human Physiology 16 1
SSBR112 Elements of Human Anatomy 16 2
SSBR114 Kinesiology & Health Education 16 2
SSBR116 Practical Component 1B 8 2
HPHS112 Physiological changes in Exercise and Training 16 2
choose ONE of the following isiZulu Modules:
ZULN101 Basic isiZulu languages Studies A 16 1
ZULM105 Academic Writing 16 1
ZULN101 (non-Zulu speaking students) ZULM105 (Zulu speaking students)
  Total credits: level 1 128  
Level 2
SSBR211 Evaluation, Statistics & Measurement of Sport Science 16 1
SSBR215 Practical Component level 2A 8 1
PSYC101 Introduction to Psychology A 16 1
SSBR216 Practical Component level 2B 8 2
SSBR218 Ethics 16 2
SSBR233 Applied Exercise Physiology 16 2
Biokinetics and Exercise Electives
SSBR213 Biomechanical Principles of Sport Science 16 1
SSBR234 Kinanthropometry and Nutrition 16 2
PSYC102 Introduction to Psychology B 16 2
Leisure Science Electives
SSBR221 Recreation 16 1
GEOG110 Human Environments 16 1
GEOG220 Geographies of Urban & Rural Change 16 2
  Total Credits: level 2 128  
Level 3
SSBR311 Sport Psychology 16 1
SSBR315 Practical Component level 3A 16 1
SSBR316 Practical Component level 3B 16 2
HLSC340 Applied Research Methods 16 2
Biokinetics and Exercise Electives
SSBR314 Rehabilitation Science 16 2
SSBR319 Functional Anatomy and Sport Injuries 16 1
SSBR304 Exercise Biochemistry 16 2
HLSC311 Clinical Sciences 1 16 1
Leisure Science Electives
SSBR312 Recreation 16 2
SSBR317 Recreation Services and Disabilities 16 1
PSYC102 Introduction to Psychology B 16 2
HLSC116 Community Studies 16 2
  Total credits at level 3Total credits for the degree 128384  

Career Opportunities

Health Industry

  • Biokineticist
  • Strength and Conditioning Specialists
  • Medical Representatives
  • Lifestyle Consultant
  • Clinical Exercise Physiologists
  • Exercise / Sport Science Research

Fitness Industry

  • Personal Trainer
  • Gymnasium Manager

Sport Industry

  • Sport Coach / Manager
  • Sport Psychologist
  • Sport Retailer
  • Professional Sport
  • Sport Event Manager

Recreation and Leisure Industry

  • Recreation Manager
  • Recreation Programmer
  • Leisure Consultant
  • Teambuilding Consultant
  • Outdoor Adventure Facilitator
  • Resort Manager
  • Sport Tourism Manager

Education Sector

  • Sport Teacher
  • Community Programming
  • Lecturer
  • Researcher


  • Entrepreneur
  • Sport Journalism
