
Stellenbosch University Parking

Stellenbosch University Parking, Stellenbosch University offers staff, students and visitors parking on university grounds within the context of the SU’s Parking Management System. This system allows for differentiated parking for the optimal utilisation of the limited parking available.


NB: Registration of a motor vehicle and the payment of the parking tariff do not guarantee a parking bay, but only ensure the right of access to the particular type of parking bay on a first come, first served basis.


Terms and conditions (SU Parking rules and Regulations)

1.Should students or staff wish to park a private motor vehicle or a University vehicle on University grounds, this vehicle must be electronically registered at the relevant University division.
2.Registration of a motor vehicle and the payment of the parking tariff do not guarantee a parking bay, but only ensure the right of access to the relevant type of parking bay on a first come, first served basis.
3.Access may be restricted to certain parking areas or parts thereof at short notice if necessary for operational reasons, such as during maintenance or building projects. The necessary arrangements will be made in relevant cases.
4.With the electronic application or written application (where applicable):
4.1The applicant confirms that he/she has personally applied for access to parking on Stellenbosch University grounds.
4.2The applicant gives permission that the parking tariff based on the type of parking allocated to him/her:
4.2.1May be deducted from his/her salary (staff), or
4.2.2May be collected via his/her student account (student).
4.2.3Will be paid in cash at the SU cashiers, only if electronic deduction is not possible.
4.3The applicant undertakes to obey the rules applicable to University parking, as set out in the terms and conditions.
4.4The applicant accepts that, in order to promote the optimal utilisation of parking areas, for certain types of parking bays more staff and students will be allowed to register than there are parking bays available.  The principle of “first come, first served” therefore applies to the use of this type of parking. This means that the registration of a motor vehicle and the payment of the parking tariff do not necessarily guarantee a parking bay. See Types of parking areas and parking bays for more information.
4.5The applicant accepts that while he/she may receive additional parking discs, this is only an arrangement to enable the identification of vehicles and does not provide the applicant with authorisation to park more than one vehicle on university grounds simultaneously
4.6The applicant accepts that a lack of parking does not provide him/her with authorisation to contravene parking rules and regulations and that an applicant’s contravention record will be taken into consideration when applying for access to parking.
4.7The applicant accepts responsibility for the payment of any fines charged as a result of his/her contravention of these rules.
4.8The applicant accepts that the booms and other measures implemented are for access control and not security reasons. Although SU has Campus Security staff, it does not guarantee safety.
4.9The applicant accepts that vehicles are parked on University grounds at own risk and that the University cannot be held liable for any damage to or theft of a vehicle, including any loss arising from the damage or theft while parked on University grounds. The only exception is where the damage or loss is directly caused by unsafe or defective equipment or property. In other words, claims will only be considered if applicable under Section 61 of the Consumer Protection Act (Act 68 of 2008).
5.A parking disc is issued for each successful application. This disc:
5.1Must be displayed on the motor vehicle’s front windscreen at all times as proof of the agreement between SU and the disc holder.
5.2Is only valid for the year indicated on the disc.
5.3Only allows the disc holder access to the typ of parking (reserved, non-reserved, general, disabled) and specific parking area(s) he or she has authorisation for.
6.Fines will be charged for any unauthorised parking. Unauthorised parking includes inter alia:
6.1Parking on University grounds by any vehicle not registered for access and not displaying the correct parking disc.
6.2Parking in any parking bay for which the parking disc holder is not registered.
6.3Parking in contravention of any national or local traffic laws or regulations, e.g. parking on a red line or parking that obstructs access to a fire hydrant.
7.If a card holder transgresses repeatedly, his/her access to university parking will be suspended temporarily or permanently in addition to any other penalties or fines which might be imposed by an authorised authority.
8.During the registration of university vehicles for access to parking on university grounds:
8.1The applicant confirms that he/she is authorised to register the vehicle or vehicles for access to parking on the grounds of Stellenbosch University on behalf of the relevant division.
8.2The applicant undertakes that the driver(s) of the vehicle or vehicles will obey the rules applicable to University parking, as set out in the Terms and Conditions.
8.3The applicant accepts responsibility on behalf of the relevant division for the payment of any fines imposed for contravention of these rules by any of their drivers.
