
University of South Africa SBL Executive Education

University of South Africa SBL Executive Education


In order to provide you with the leading edge, the University of South Africa Graduate School of Business Leadership (SBL) has designed and implemented dynamic executive education and professional development programmes for individuals at the various stages of their careers. It is ideally positioned to act as your learning partner in ensuring that the knowledge, skills and experience you acquire is both relevant and responsive to your professional development as well as career advancement needs. The SBL offers the following executive education programmes and short courses in 2018.


Please note that the application fee for all programmes is R160

Please e-mail the completed application form and the relevant documents to the Programme Administrators Mbali Shange at [email protected] and Dineo Makgareetsa at [email protected].
Kindly also copy the Business Development Officers, Letsai Mashishi at [email protected] and Dumisani Kewuti at [email protected] with the documents.
Applications for all executive education programmes are now closed
Click here for tuition fees


Executive Development Programme (EDP) R77 760

(1 year programme)

The EDP develops executives to manage and lead organisations in strategic decision-making cognisant of the global, national and organisational context.  This executive programme delivers a unique combination of global management insight, leadership acumen and strategic thinking skills.  The EDP uses the latest business technologies, implementing hands-on e-business applications for executives who require enhanced abilities to successfully lead their organisations in the ever-changing information economy. The EDP is offered for both the business as well as public sector stream.

Management Development Programme (MDP) R57 080

(1 year programme)

The MDP aims to equip middle managers to become more effective custodians of organisations and able to pursue the goals of excellence within their own organisations.  The programme is designed to facilitate an understanding of and the ability to integrate and apply the key competencies required for each of the functional areas of busines

MDP for Standardisation in Organisations (MDPSO) R38 880

(6 month programme)

This programme on standardisation will increase participants’ awareness of the nature, impact and benefits of standards to markets and society, improving the ability to contribute to company performance and public welfare.  Students, whether they are engineers, economists, lawyers, business managers or administrators in government will be the ones to gain the most advantage from the MDPSO.  Knowledge, skills, attitudes and experience in standardisation add value to professionals and roles in a large variety of fields.  MDPSO does not target a particular group of learners as the knowledge gained from the programme can be applied to any scope of employment.

MDP for Safery and Security (MDPSS) R57 080

(1 year programme)
Middle managers in the in the safety and security industry, face a distinctive set of leadership challenges. They are responsible for leading your administrative unit, crafting strategy, motivating staff and allocating financial resources. In addition, you are also expected to enact the vision of senior leadership and mobilise support for broader institutional goals. To be successful, you must be able to manage both ‘up’ and ‘down’ the institutional hierarchy. This particular MDP is designed to provide the skills and knowledge for future business leaders in the Safety and Security Industry sector. After completing this programme, middle and functional managers will be able to lead multi-disciplinary units in achieving organisational objectives.

MDP for Compliance Officers (MDPCO) R38 880

(6 month programme)

Management in organisations require compliance services to discharge their responsibilities in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements.  Management in organisations therefore need the assistance of compliance officers in order to discharge their compliance responsibilities. This MDP will equip participants with a generic framework and practices which underpin the compliance function in any organisation operating in a range of different industries.

Fundamental Management Programme (FMP) R21 384

(6 month programme)

This programme aims to equip entry-level managers with the theoretical knowledge and hands-on skills that will enable them to handle fundamental management tasks and to be team leaders in rapidly changing organisations.  First-level managers such as supervisors and superintendents, as well as small business managers, enrol in the FMP to gain the management background necessary for self-development and promotion.  The FMP is offered for both the business as well as public sector stream. Some students also use the FMP as a bridging education before embarking on more advanced management development programmes.

Advanced Project Management (APM) R61 080

(1 year programme)


The APM equips managers with the principles and the know-how of completing projects on time, within budget and while meeting expectations.  The six modules offer a practical, step-by-step approach to managing a project over its entire lifecycle — from inception to close-out.  The APM is designed for current and prospective middle managers, as well as investors and developers in all industries.

Practical Project Management (PPM) R35 390

(1 year programme)

This programme is highly sought-after in the marketplace as it equips entry-level managers with the skills to transform ideas into successful projects.  Since its introduction in 1993, the programme has been constantly updated to meet market changes.  Its aim is to provide practical experience and knowledge in project management and it is designed to ensure that theoretical infrastructure complements practice.

Programme in Advanced Strategic Management (PASM) R17 820

(6 month programme)

There are few training courses that focus on advanced strategic management, especially those with a focus on corporate-level strategy in the multi-business corporation.  Yet training in this area is necessary, as most corporate strategic management decisions do not create the anticipated value. The purpose of this programme is to equip students with advanced knowledge, skills and attitudes in strategic management, with a specific focus on strategic management in the multi-business corporation.

Advanced Course in University Executive Leadership (ACUEL) R36 000

(6 month programme)

The main aim of the ACUEL is to assist the leadership team to understand and address the complexity and challenges of the contemporary university in a changing global and national higher education system, as well as creating a leadership pool for executive positions and succession planning at Universities. Its key purpose is knowledge and skills acquisition that will contribute towards establishing a more responsive and effective leadership team at Universities.

Short Courses

Coaching for Leaders/ Managers (CFL) R32 400

(6 month course)

This programmes focuses on managers aspiring to add basic coaching skills to their personal leadership toolkit but who do not necessarily want to become full-time accredited coaches.  The CLP covers the basic aspects of coaching in the work context.  Modules cover areas relating to coaching theories and models, ethics, personal discovery, transformation and the practical aspects relating to coaching skills.

Leading for Innovation (LFI) R9 620

(6 month course)

Few words in business or other organisations are used as often and as incorrectly as innovation. Yet, despite this lack of understanding on what innovation is and how to develop innovative organisations, it remains one of the most important functions of any organisation. In this course we focus on how to lead for innovation, focusing on the processes and practices that leaders can use to boost innovation in their organisations.

Business Incubation Management and Enterprise Development Leadership (BIM-EDL) R16 950

(6 month course)

This dynamic course focuses on providing the insight, knowledge and skills to understand, lead and manage enterprise development and business incubation in South Africa and the developing world. It will equip current and aspiring enterprise development leaders and managers to effectively create sustainable development programmes, advance the development value chain and enhance the leadership pipeline.

Social Enterprise Leadership (SEL) R27 950

(6 month course)

The purpose of this programme is to provide participants—who would typically come from a social entrepreneurial and social enterprise background—with the essential knowledge, insight and skills to be innovative and to lead and build sustainable business models around their social enterprises within a developmental paradigm. It is aimed at equipping social entrepreneurs and social enterprise leaders to manage, lead and sustain their enterprises and effect social change in a scalable manner.

Short Course for Emerging Managers (SCEM) R14 040

(3 month course)

Anyone who wants to pursue a career in management, needs to learn basic management skills before they develop themselves further.  This programme provides the foundational skills that all other management development can be based on. The programme is intended for students who wish to develop basic management capacity.  The programme will allow students to acquire the necessary competencies to apply appropriate problem-solving and decision-making skills in a frontline management capacity.

Short Course on Fundamental Municipal Management Development (FMMD) R14 250

(6 month course)

After completing the FMMD, functional managers within municipal organisations will be equipped with an understanding of the requisite knowledge and skills to manage resources effectively and efficiently in order to ensure competitive and sustainable service delivery as well as achievement of organisational goals.
