Stellenbosch University Requirements For Medicine, The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences is one of 10 faculties at Stellenbosch University. Its overarching aim is to develop future health professionals who through innovation and leadership will promote health, prevent disease and provide optimal healthcare.
Our Faculty is committed to creating a living and learning community in which scholarship flourishes, human rights are valued and protected and the highest standards of professionalism are attained.
Established in 1956 the FMHS has developed into one of the leading health sciences faculties in Africa. It has a diverse student body of approximately 3 900 students enrolled in in five undergraduate programmes (MB,ChB, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Human Nutrition and Speech, Language and Hearing Therapy) and 80 postgraduate programmes. The Faculty’s total staff complement comprises more than 1 400 individuals who are employed by Stellenbosch University, the Government of the Western Cape and other partner employers.
The FMHS is self-driven hub of global excellence in many areas and has been the launching pad for a number of ground-breaking initiatives. It is widely recognised for its world class research on high priority conditions in Africa, such as TB, HIV/AIDS and neuropsychiatric disorders.
It is host to leading research entities, including the DST/NRF Centre of Excellence for Biomedical Tuberculosis Research, Desmond Tutu TB Centre, MRC Centre for Tuberculosis Research and SU / UCT MRC Unit on Risk and Resillience in Mental Disorders. It also has three South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChI) Chairs in the field of tuberculosis research and one in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.
The Faculty actively promotes translation of research into health care practice and policy.
A strong focus on the quality of teaching and learning, including the provision of effective student support services, accounts for the high success rates enjoyed by the students at the FMHS. The Ukwanda Rural Clinical School, one of the Faculty’s unique educational innovations, advances rural and district based training of health professionals and enables them to respond effectively to the unique needs of rural and underserved communities.
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