
Tshwane University Of Technology Journalism Course

Tshwane University Of Technology Journalism Course, ​In a dynamic and globalised communication world, Journalism, as a discipline, plays a central role in keeping people up-to-date with current affairs. The Department of Journalism’s mission is to train media professionals who excel in the field of journalism and thus add its voice to changing world media. TUT journalism students are trained to be ready for the world of work and to be at the cutting edge of communication.


Steeped in the fundamental skills of reporting, investigating, writing and broadcasting, essential for any successful journalist, students are empowered, through a multimedia approach, with skills required by contemporary media to package news stories using several news platforms for television, radio, newspaper and online publications. We have the state-of-the-art equipment ranging from online publishing to editing and layout for print, as well as radio and television. Moreover, students are involved in the production of a printed weekly local community newspaper, Rekord Noweto.
​Our graduates have a strong placement record in entry-level jobs in the media industry and other private and/or public organisations in need of young South Africans with journalistic skills. TUT Journalism provides ideal theoretical and practical education for future award-winning South African journalists and we are proud to have produced successful and well-known journalists in the country.

Tshwane University of Technology in Pretoria – Department of Journalism (South Africa)

The Department of Journalism at Tshwane University of Technology is dedicated to training future media professionals in journalism. The degrees offered are National Diploma: Journalism, Baccalaureus Technologiae: Journalism, Magister Technologiae Journalism and Doctor Technologiae: Journalism. All programs provide students with a strong background in the fundamentals of writing, reporting, broadcasting and investigating. There is also training in the latest multimedia and online technologies to prepare students for careers. Graduates have a good record of finding placement in journalist and media industry professions.
Visit the Department of Journalism at Tshwane University here: Tshwane University Of Technology Journalism Course
