
Alberton Remedial School

Alberton Remedial is an independent remedial school that assists children of average intelligence who are unable to reach their full potential in mainstream classrooms.


Click on this link to download the school Application Form

Alberton Remedial School Fees

School fees for 2021 are R4980 per month and are inclusive of occupational therapy, arts and crafts, and other school activities. Additional costs may apply to specific activities and excursions.


Alberton Remedial School Contact Details

  • Phone number (011) 867 – 1053 ( between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM )
  • Delayne 082 212 2563 ( between 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM )
  • Address cnr Vermooten and Fisher Brackenhurst 1448 ( entrance in Fisher )
  • Email [email protected]
  • Facebook

Learning Difficulties

What is a Learning Difficulty?

In general terms, a learning disability is a general term that describes specific kinds of learning problems. A learning difficulty can cause a person to have trouble learning and using certain skills. The skills most often affected are:

  • Reading,
  • Writing,
  • Listening,
  • Speaking,
  • Reasoning, and
  • Mathematical ability.

A learning disorder can be described as a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations, including conditions such as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia.

Learning difficulties are often due to:


  • Visual perceptual problems – the incapacity to interpret or give meaning to what is seen. This can lead to difficulty with reading, writing, spelling and mathematics for which a child requires recognition, insight and correct interpretation of what is seen.
  • Auditory perceptual problems – the inability to interpret auditory stimuli. Leads to difficulties in distinguishing subtle differences in sounds and in hearing instructions against a background of noises. Also leads to difficulties with reading, spelling and with comprehension. Auditory perception is the ability to process auditory stimuli and to make sense of it.
  • Motor problems – a child can have difficulty on a gross motor co-ordination level (involving large muscles of the body) or fine motor co-ordination level (involving more complex finer movements executed mainly by the hands). This can lead to difficulty in participation in sport and in classroom activities, eg posture, pencil grip, handwriting and cutting out.
  • Neurological disorders and/or physiological disorders – such as ADD and ADHD. Without adequate focussing of attention and concentration there can’t be learning.
  • Memory – auditory-, visual-, rote visual- and long term-, short term – and working memory are all essential to learning and important for academic success.
  • Language – a developmental language delay, language confusion or language pathology prevents the child from understanding fully the information which is heard in the classroom, or what he must read, as well as preventing him from expressing himself orally or on a written level.
  • Emotional problems – can impact on successful learning

Does my Child Have a Learning Difficulty?

The following checklist contains the common warning signs of learning disabilities but it is important to note that all children show one or more of these behaviours at some point in their childhood. It is only if your child consistently shows a number of these behaviours that you should consider the possibility of a learning disability and seek professional help. You can approach any of the following for assistance; your paediatrician, a psychologist, the specialised education department at a university, a learning disability organisation or a remedial school.

Potential signs of learning difficulties:

Does your child have consistent difficulties with…


  • Learning new vocabulary
  • Following directions
  • Understanding requests
  • Pronouncing words 
  • Discriminating amongst sounds
  • Spelling
  • Writing stories and essays
  • Reading comprehension
  • Responding to questions


  • Knowing the time, date,year, etc.
  • Completing assignments
  • Organising thoughts
  • Completing work in a given time
  • Managing time
  • Setting priorities
  • Carrying out a plan
  • Finding their belongings
  • Making decisions


  • Spelling
  • Studying for tests
  • Remembering names
  • Remembering events
  • Learning the alphabet
  • Learning new procedures
  • Remembering phone numbers
  • Identifying letters
  • Learning new mathematical concepts


  • Acting before thinking
  • Poor organisation
  • Daydreaming
  • Restlessness
  • Completing a task
  • Waiting
  • Distractibility


  • Social judgement
  • Working cooperatively
  • Making and keeping friends
  • Easily frustrated
  • Accepting changes to routine
  • Interpreting nonverbal cues
  • Sportsmanship


  • Climbing and running
  • Drawing
  • Cutting
  • Sports
  • Manipulating small objects
  • Handwriting
