
B Ed

B Ed

In line with the academic structure which the University of KwaZulu-Natal adopted in 2012, the School of Education is made up of the following six clusters:is made up of the following six clusters:


  • Science and Technology Education
  • Mathematics and Computer Science Education
  • Social Sciences Education
  • Education Studies
  • Education, Development, Leadership and Management
  • Language, Arts and Media Education

We offer the following academic programmes: Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Education Honours, Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), M. Ed and PhD.  We are proud of our cohort model of PhD supervision which is well appreciated in many quarters both within and outside the University.
The cohort model of supervision is one of the factors behind our increasing postgraduate throughput rate.

We have taken our cohort model of supervision to contexts beyond the borders of South Africa. For example, we are currently running M.Ed/PhD cohorts in Swaziland, Zimbabwe and Mauritius and intend to extend this facility to other countries. We also offer postdoctoral fellowships.
For a student who seeks quality academic programmes, the School of Education is the name to keep in mind. For a researcher who wants to go on a sabbatical or research leave, the School of Education is a fruitful destination. We also work in partnership and collaboration with other institutions of higher education through Memorandums of Understanding. New partners are most welcome. We invite you all to read more on our website, and please do not hesitate to link up with us on any matter of interest.
Prof Gregory Kamwendo: Dean & Head of the School of Education

B Ed Curriculum Plans

Initial Teacher Education
For those interested in teaching as a career should note that there are two routes that lead to professional qualification:
1. The Bachelor of Education (BEd) which is a four-year undergraduate programme of study that integrates academic and professional training.
2. The Postgraduate Certificate in Education: PGCE ( formally known as the Higher Diploma in Education or HDE) which is a one-year postgradutate  programme that follows (or ‘caps’) a suitable degree.
The Bachelor of Education (BEd) is a four year, vocationally specific, professional degree that integrates, from the first year, both the academic study and the professional preparation required to be a teacher.
Successful completion of the programme qualifies the student for registration with the South African Council for Educators (SACE) and for employment in South African schools as an educator at REQV 14 level. Increasingly the qualification is attracting students from neighbouring countries. In addition to serving as an initial qualification to teach, successful completion of the degree provides students with the opportunity to continue their study of education at a postgraduate level.
Entrance requirements:
Specialisations offered:


  • Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Development including Foundation Phase) Edgewood (KN-E-EDK)
  • Bachelor of Education (Foundation and Intermediate Phases) Edgewood (KN-E-EDI)
  • Bachelor of Education (Intermediate and Senior Phase) Edgewood (KN-E-EDO)
  • Bachelor of Education (Senior Phase General Education and Training (GET) Pietermaritzburg (KN-P-EDL)
  • Bachelor of Education (Senior Phase Further Education and Training (FET) Edgewood (KN-E-EDF) & Pietermaritzburg (KN-P-EDF)
  • Bachelor of Education (Further Education & Training) Edgewood (KN-E-EDJ) & Pietermaritzburg (KN-P- EDJ)

Undergraduate Prospectus

B Ed

Undergraduate Selection Procedure
 Undergraduate selection 
 Early Selection

Applicants with outstanding Grade 11, Grade 12 June, trial or mock results may be selected on submission of certified copies of their results. Selections will be final provided selected applicants obtain a National Senior Certificate (with degree option) (NSC-Deg) and meet Faculty entrance requirements in their final examination.
Other applications will be considered after the release of the National Senior Certificate results. Applicants already in possession of a Senior Certificate may be offered early places on receipt of their applications and  certified copies of their documentation. 


 Selection On Admission Point Score (APS)

Selection commences when final results are released and continues until all available places are allocated. Students are admitted on the basis of academic merit, which is assessed by converting NSC or Senior Certificate symbols into a point score.  Scores of applicants are calculated and ranked in descending order for their choice of programme. Selection takes place from the top down, until the number of applicants who may be accepted for that programme is reached. The minimum point scores for applications to KZN qualifications  have been provided in the qualification entrance requirement tabulations.Applicants below those point scores are normally not selected and should not make application to UKZN. Please calculate your point score, using Grade 11, mid-year Grade 12 or Trial results. Meeting the minimum score does, however, not guarantee a place as the University receives more applications than it can accommodate. The University will receive the NSC results from the Central Applications Office. In addition to SMS’s from the CAO, applicants who are offered places at UKZN will receive letters from the University advising them of their offers.  Applicants will be required to complete Acceptance of Offer forms and pay an Acceptance of Offer fee of R500  directly to UKZN to secure their places.

Selection processes for new entrants to UKZN in 2017

The following overarching selection criteria and processes apply to all new entrants who are embarking on study at a tertiary institution for the first time in 2017. Specific programmes may have additional criteria or different quotas and these will be clearly indicated on the relevant College website.
1. A minimum of 15% of new entrants to each programme will be selected from students who have completed their schooling at Quantile 1 or 2 schools and meet all the minimum entry requirements for the programme. Specific programmes may provide for increased quotas.
2. Within quotas, selection will be done on academic merit.  The academic ranking for programmes other than Medicine is based on the Academic Performance Score (APS) obtained in the South African National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations as described below. Applicants for MBChB will be ranked based on their average % score.
3. The APS is calculated by adding the performance levels (1-8) for the six subjects taken for the NSC excluding Life Orientation (LO). If more than seven subjects are taken the APS is calculated by adding the performance level for:
• English (HL or FAL), plus
• Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy, plus
• the best ratings of the other subjects (excluding Life Orientation and Maths paper 3) so that a total of six subjects are included.
Should any subject that is specifically required for entry into the programme not be included in the APS calculation the APS score may be adjusted accordingly.
Note that no bonus points are awarded for additional subjects.
4. Programmes that do not have a sufficient number of suitably qualified applicants from Quintiles 1 or 2 seven days prior to the commencement of on-campus registration for the programme may fill any remaining places with applicants from Quintile 3, then 4, then 5.
5. Certain programmes may impose additional criteria (for example, a portfolio of work, audition or interview) in order to determine eligibility for the programme.
6. For students who have obtained a school leaving certificate other than the NSC, HESA criteria and guidelines for equivalent performance levels will be used where available to estimate the academic rank.
7. There will be no ‘Dean’s Discretion’ for students entering directly from NSC and selection will be done according to the agreed criteria by the College Admissions processes. However some measure of discretion, to be exercised by the College Dean of Teaching & Learning, is required in the case of qualifying applicants from other countries or examination systems, immigrant applicants or applicants with disabilities.

 Submission Of National Senior Certificate/Senior Certificate

It is important to note that it is the responsibility of registered students to submit copies of their NSC/Senior Certificate to their Faculty Offices as soon as the Certificates become available.

B Ed
