
B Tech Mechanical Engineering In Vaal University Of Technology

B Tech Mechanical Engineering In Vaal University Of Technology, The Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering at Vaal University of Technology in South Africa is an education programme in the field of mechanical engineering.


VUT’s 4-year Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering provides an education in the design of new products or equipment for use in industry or society. Students also acquire the skills to complete preventative maintenance so they can function at their highest capacity. The education curriculum includes 2 semesters of work-integrated learning within the industry. Specific education courses offered within this mechanical engineering programme are:


Mechanical Engineering Design
Strength of Materials
Maintenance Engineering
Theory of Machines
Maintenance Engineering

Upon completion of the Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering, graduates are well-prepared to launch a successful career in the field of mechanical engineering, working within the chemical, mining, or iron and steel industries, or in transport services, power stations, or provincial or government services.


Admission requirements

Admission requirements for the Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering at Vaal University of Technology in South Africa are:

  • completion of a National Diploma in Engineering or equivalent
  • satisfactory marks in Mathematics and Physical Science
  • proficiency in English
