
Boston City Campus and Business College Application Requirements

Boston City Campus and Business  College Application Requirements

Anyone can study – you must just know who to ask

YOUNG people who are turned away from filled-to –capacity universities as well as those who haven’t yet decided on career path can still enroll for further study this year.


All they need to do is consider alternative routes, says Natalie Rabson of Boston City Campus and Business College. “It is disturbing to see the news being dominated by reports of students queuing in vain for university admission; she says.

“It shows that thousands of young people are not aware of how tertiary education works, especially where the application and registration procedures are concerned. On the bright side, however, it shows that South African youth are firmly committed to education – which is great news”.
Instead of giving up hope, prospective students should take some time to research their study options carefully, Rabson says.


“From student comments quoted in the media, it seems that many young people are under the impression that there’s one way to get a good qualification and that is through university.

“They also seem to think that the only way to go get a degree is through full-time studying at university.
In reality, prospective students are spoilt for choice when it comes to the availability of study courses and alternative routes to get the qualification that will take them to the career or job of their dreams. Rabson debunks some myths pertaining to post-school education:


  • You are entitled to register at any tertiary institution and for any course of your choice despite your academic performance – in truth you are entitled to what you have worked towards, what you have previously applied for and been accepted for, and all subject to availability.You need to work hard to meet the entry requirements of a course just as you need to pass Grade 7 before you can go to Grade 8. That is just how it works.
  • You can only get a degree through full time study at a public university – this is untrue as there are private as well as correspondence universities. You can also study towards a degree through a college like Boston City Campus that has been licensed by Unisa to offer the university’s degrees and diplomas. Students can attend classes and write exams at Boston City Campus branches. However, be careful when choosing an institution that offers studies towards degrees as there are so-called degree mills that are not accredited or recognized by SAQA (South African Qualifications Authority)
  • You can’t enroll for further study if you got “bad” results in matric. That is definitely not true. You may not meet the requirements for some courses that are open to even those who fail matric (in other words, only has Grade 11). You can study towards nationally – and even internationally – recognised diplomas and certificates that will enable you to secure good employment and build a career.
  • It’s difficult and expensive to get a career guidance. This is true only if you consult a career counsellor in private practice. Most universities and colleges assist prospective students and in choosing a field of study best suited to them. Boston offers a computerised career assessment and one -on -one career guidance to prospective students. Students are invited to do career research on the computer -based Career Compass programme at any of the college’s branches nationwide and then book an individual session with a trained career counsellor – all free and with no obligation to register.
  • Closing dates can be ignored or changed. Not true – closing dates have to be adhered to so that institutions can allocate classroom space, prepare study materials and so forth. But there are certain courses where there are no closing dates and you can register anytime. A career guidance professional  can help you identify such courses; you can also consult the Boston City Campus and Business College brochure or website to see which courses are “registration anytime”
  • A degree is the best qualification to have. This is false perception. If you’re intending to become a medical doctor you need a degree, sure enough. But if you are, for example, passionate about counseling, and want to help people with HIV/Aids, you can enroll for the Boston HIV/Aids counseling and management course on NQF Level 5. There are other examples, too many to mention; it’s best to consult a career counsellor.

Boston City Campus and Business College offers more than 80 dynamic career qualifications throughout 48 branches nationwide. Call 0115512000, e-mail [email protected] or visit
