
Damelin Correspondence College

Damelin Correspondence College

Damelin Correspondence College,


Why Choose Us?

Vision and Mission

Damelin Correspondence College offers high quality programmes that are recognised in the business world and provide learners with opportunities to advance their careers.


Damelin Correspondence College (Pty) Ltd. is provisionally registered as a private college with the Department of Higher Education and Training under the Continuing Education and Training Act, No. 16 of 2006. Registration Certificate Number: 2008/FE07/037. Damelin Correspondence College (Pty) Ltd. is provisionally accredited by Umalusi, the Quality Council for General and Further Education and Training. Accreditation number: FET 00475. Damelin Correspondence College (Pty) Ltd is further accredited by the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) Accreditation number: 13/0005.
Employers are required to quote this number in their claims to the Skills Levy Fund, for investing in their employee’s education as set out in the Skills Development Act No 31, 2003.
Damelin Correspondence College is committed to ensuring compliance to criteria set by regulatory bodies.


Employer Credibility

Today’s job market is highly competitive, particularly for young people who are looking for their first job. In this environment, the most valuable asset that a job-seeker can have is a relevant qualification from an acclaimed and respected institution. With over 60 years of experience in preparing students for employment, Damelin has an unrivalled reputation as an educational institution. Every employer knows and respects the calibre of Damelin graduates.

Career Counselling & Development Service

Students are encouraged to make use of Damelin’s free educational counselling service. Students can contact the Damelin Correspondence College Call Centre by telephone for referral to a Career Counsellor, or to make a personal appointment. Alternatively, students can e-mail queries to the college. The Career Counsellor can assist students in choosing a career. He or she can also provide additional academic support (such as study skills, tips for writing assignments and pre-exam techniques, life skills, time management, coping with stress, and more), or can simply provide job-searching techniques.

Disablities/Audio Needs

Tape aids
If you haven’t studied before because you have difficulty in working with printed material, the solution is to use recorded material instead.
Tape Aids for the Blind will accommodate you by transferring printed material onto audio-cassette. Contact Navi Chetty at the Education Desk of Tape Aids for the Blind in Durban, on (031) 309 4800.
Learners with disabilities
We at Damelin Correspondence College would like to offer all our students the best possible service. For this reason, we encourage you to indicate on your enrolment form if you have a disability and require a particular kind of support during your studies and examinations. You can contact the Student Services Call Centre for more information on what kind of assistance is available.  The Student Services Call Centre number is 0860 61 61 61

Admission requirements − Recognition of Prior Learning

Damelin Correspondence College applies the South African Qualification Authority’s (SAQA) policy of recognising prior learning. Therefore, if students do not meet the admission requirements of a particular learning programme, as stated in the entrance requirements for each course, they should contact the College to evaluate their prior learning and experience and decide if they can gain admission to the programme of their choice.

Advantages of Damelin Correspondence

Studying by correspondence has several advantages over the attendance of classes at a campus.

  • are able to register at any time of the year
  • are able to learn at home, according to a convenient schedule, without having to incur the cost and inconvenience of travelling to classes at fixed times
  • are able to continue to earn an income whilst studying outside of working hours at home
  • have access to highly qualified and experienced Damelin tutors who provide quick feedback via detailed comments on assignments
  • are able to engage with course material that has been split up into manageable units, logically sequenced, integrated into a sound learning process of introduction, reinforcement and review and interspersed with learner-centred exercises

Message from the General Manager

Dear Student
Right now, you have your sights firmly set on exploring your career development. As you contemplate further study, you want to be certain that your hard work will enjoy the credibility and respect of employers.
Rest assured that Damelin Correspondence College is a learning institution that is employer-recognised and trusted. Damelin prides itself on offering you the very best learning programmes. As you page through this prospectus, keep your career goals firmly in focus. This will enable you to identify the programme that will open the door to your career success.
Why study with Damelin Correspondence College?

  • Damelin Correspondence College has the largest and most comprehensive course offering in Southern Africa.
  • Employers recognise and have confidence in a Damelin certificate as being academically sound and relevant to their needs.
  • Damelin Correspondence College (Pty) Ltd. Provisionally registered as a private college (further education and training institution) with the Department of Higher Education and Training. Prov. Reg. No. 2008/FE07/037.
  • Provisionally accredited by Umalusi, the Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training. Umalusi Prov. Accr. No FET 00475 PA.
  • Employers are required to quote this number in their claims to the Skills Levy Fund, for investing in their employees education as set out in the Skills Development Act No 31, 2003.
  • Damelin Correspondence College offers you the flexibility to gain qualifications while you are working.
  • Damelin focuses on providing you with programmes of study that are career-related, and academically driven.
  • Damelin’s expertise includes programme development, curriculum design, content, and student support methods that are right up to date.
  • Damelin Correspondence College is a registered credit provider: NCRCP 2325​.

Register now and be one step closer to the career position you desire, and the future you are aiming for.

The Ten Steps to Your Success

The accomplishment of any important goal in life requires two things: a plan, and a commitment to keep to that plan! What follows is a simple 10-step process that will guide you to achieving success in your chosen Damelin programme, therefore bringing you one step closer to the career of your choice, or the advancement that you aspire to.
Step 1
Choose the programme that best suits you:

  • Identify a career that best suits your natural interests and abilities.
  • Choose a learning programme that is relevant to your chosen career, and for which you are able to meet the entrance requirements.

Step 2
Fill in your registration form. (You can phone one of our student consultants on 0860-61-61-61 to assist you in filling out the form.) Then send your completed registration form plus the certified copies of the relevant support documents to meet the entrance requirement of your chosen course to DCC by:

  • Posting it to Damelin Correspondence College, P.O Box 31001, Braamfontein, 2017, or
  • Taking it to your nearest DCC office.

Step 3
Once the academic process has been successfully completed, decide how
you wish to pay for your studies:

  • You may pay the full fee in cash (which will save you interest charges), or on terms over an agreed period.
  • You may choose to register now for the complete learning programme, even if you plan to do only some of the subjects this year, and the rest later. This will save you money in the long run.

Step 4
Once you have registered, DCC will send you your first study pack
containing the following:

  • Your student card, which identifies you as a student wherever you go;
  • Your DCC study notes, which have been designed to make you feel as if you have your own personal teacher;
  • Your information guide, a summary of important details;
  • A Certification Road Map, which tells you how to enter for your examinations;
  • Your personal study programme, which shows you the study units or items that you will need for each subject that you are studying; and
  • Your assignment covers and envelopes, to make it easy for you to send in your assignments and queries to the College.

Step 5
Decide on the study times that best suit your lifestyle. Then work out your own study timetable. Try to keep to your timetable! It is very difficult to catch up when you have fallen behind.
Step 6
Get down to the serious business of studying. The notes have been designed to take the place of a class teacher.
Step 7
Complete regular assignments to check how you are doing.

  • Continuous assessment is an essential feature of distance learning. Our study material contains numerous self-assessment exercises, to help you to make sure that you are in control of your work at all times.
  • At the end of each module, there is a progress assignment which you can complete and send to the college for marking and/or model answers.
  • Note that the assignments are not compulsory, for examinable courses, and you can register for exams when you are ready.

Step 8
Enter for the examinations

  • Follow the instructions on your Certification Road Map on how and when to enter for your examinations.
  • Remember that it is your own responsibility to register in time for a particular examination sitting.

Step 9
Write the examinations

  • You will enter the examination room knowing that you have done the very best preparation that you are capable of, and you will face the exam paper with confidence.

Step 10
Qualify for your award

  • Join the thousands of successful past students of Damelin Correspondence College who are making a success of their careers.

Examinations Information

Private Invigilation FormOur Mission

Welcome to the examinations page of Damelin Correspondence College. We value our students and therefore strive to make your learning experience enriching and enjoyable.
Our mission: To provide a quality examination service, on time, every time.
On the following page you will find all the necessary information that will assist you to:

  • Plan your examinations’ sessions in advance
  • Obtain the required information and documentation
  • Submit the required documentation on time

Our best wishes accompany you with your examinations.
Examinations Department

Click here to purchase Damelin Past Exam Papers online (credit card payments only)

DCC Internal Exams

Important Dates – New Information
Here you will find dates and the deadlines for the submission of your registration forms. Please note that these dates are final and that no late submissions will be allowed.
Exam Invitation for June & Nov 2018 Exams
Click here for summative assessment information
Please note that these timetables are provisional
*None at the moment…
Please note the following with regard to the timetable:
If you are enrolled for one course and you find that the timetable indicates two or more subjects in your course to be written at the same time, please contact our Student Services Department.
If you are enrolled for more than one course, please note that should subject clashes occur, you need to choose which subject you would like to write during the June session and the October session. The college cannot make provision for subject clashes across different courses.
Last Examinations
The subjects that have a ‘last exams’ status on the timetable will provide you with an opportunity to attend a final examination session for those subjects during the session indicated.
All the forms relevant to a Damelin examination session can be found here. Please ensure that you complete the forms correctly and submit on or before the indicated deadline.

Damelin, as an accredited and well-respected educational institution complies with nationally-recognised assessment practices. The policies you will find here are strictly adhered to, you are therefore encouraged to familiarise yourself with its content. For enquiries, please contact our Student Services Department.

DCC External Exams

Registration for November 2014 Exam Session – Engineering Studies
Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 12

Study Methods

It is a known fact that study success and failure do not only depend on ability. In fact, it depends largely on the extent to which students possess or employ the correct learning and memorising skills.
The aim of this section is to help students understand and implement effective methods to achieve study success.
A tried and tested method of studying or reading to memorise, which has worked successfully for a number of students, is the SQ3R technique:
S – Survey / Scan
Q – Question
R – Read
R – Recite
R – Review / Revise


Here the idea is to skim-read through the work you have to read/study. The aim is to get a general idea or overview of how it fits into the whole.

  • Read the title of each chapter or unit
  • Take note of the headings, subheadings and bold print and their relationship to each other
  • Glance at diagrams, graphs or visuals
  • Briefly scan the introduction and conclusions of each chapter or unit
  • Take note of study questions or activities at the end of each chapter or unit


  • Read carefully through the section, keeping the questions you developed in mind
  • Perhaps read it twice or three times
  • The second or third time you read it, underline or highlight the most important points (do not underline the first time you read the material)
  • Make notes of the main issues


  • Now close your book and recite or say out loud what you have read
  • Write brief study notes of what you have read; draw pictures or diagrams if necessary
  • Open your book and see whether you have remembered all the main points
  • If you are unable to do the above satisfactorily, re-read the section again and repeat this process
  • Do not attempt to memorise word-for-word


  • Revision helps you to transfer your knowledge from your short-term to your long-term memory
  • Re-read the material slowly, making notes of any important points you may have missed
  • Review the main headings, underlined and highlighted sections
  • Answer the questions you formed for each question

Managing Stress while Studying

All of us have experienced anxiety, stress or tension at some time or another. Many students suffer from stress at some time during their course. This is usually caused by feelings of not being able to cope with the workload or situation. Stress symptoms include physical emotional, mental and social manifestations.
The following are some of the many symptoms that might indicate that you are experiencing anxiety, stress or tension:

  • Exhaustion/getting tired very easily
  • Muscle tension
  • Heart palpitations/accelerated heart rate
  • Sweating or hot flushes
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nausea or abdominal discomfort
  • Dry mouth or the urge to swallow repeatedly
  • Feeling dizzy or light-headed
  • Feeling sad or depressed
  • Feelings of helplessness
  • Fear of losing control or going crazy
  • Fear of dying
  • Intense apprehension & fearfulness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Forgetfulness, resulting from preoccupation with the problem
  • Restlessness
  • Trembling/Shaking
  • Short temperedness
  • Withdrawal from interpersonal/social interaction
  • Excessive smoking, sleeping and/or drinking
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Not feeling hungry or eating excessively

How to deal with stress related to your studies
It is not abnormal to feel some anxiety at times, in fact feelings of anxiety can help to motivate you. If, however, you feel that stress or anxiety is affecting your studies, a first option is to seek help, by contacting the Career Counsellor, via our Call Centre.
The aim of this section is to equip you with techniques, in order to maintain control when you feel that situations (i.e. studies), people and events place excessive demands on you.

  • Relax: Take deep breaths as this automatically slows down your breathing and creates a calming effect. Breathe deeply for several minutes.
  • Remove yourself from the stressful situation: Give yourself a break if only for a few minutes.
  • Prioritise: Try to prioritise a few truly important things and let the rest slide for now.
  • Realistic goals: Set realistic goals for yourself. Reduce the number of events going on in your life in order to reduce the feelings of overload.
  • Don’t overwhelm yourself by fretting about your entire workload. Handle each task as it comes, or selectively deal with matters in some priority.
  • Think Positive Thoughts: Try to avoid continually thinking negative thoughts, such as, “I’ll never be able to do this” or “It is too much work to get through”. These are very destructive thoughts, and they can affect your confidence and your performance. Try to make a list of positive things, such as – “I can do it with a bit of hard work”.
  • Exercise Regularly: Physical activity is a great stress reliever because it channels physical and mental energy. Exercise also promotes deeper, more restful sleep.
  • Get enough sleep
  • Make a timetable if you are overloaded with work and do not have enough time. Identify what you can and can’t do.
  • Ask your tutor for advice if you need to.
  • Hand something in. Some students delay getting down to assignments and then rush them and start to worry. Other students again, try to perfect one piece of work and then cannot complete other course work and start to worry. Then there are also the students who are so concerned that the work is no good that they cannot hand it in. To hand in an assignment will alleviate your worry, and the comments you receive back from your tutor will assist you in your next assignments.
  • Avoid self-medication or escape: Alcohol and drugs can mask stress. They don’t help you to deal with the problems.

The best strategy for test/exam/study anxiety is to BE PREPARED!!! This alleviates stress because the more prepared you are the more confident you become.

Tips to settle those nerves before your exam

It is perfectly natural to feel anxious about an approaching exam. This feeling of nervousness is created by your body’s secretion of adrenalin, and is necessary to give you the boost you need to perform at your optimal level.
The following techniques can help you settle those nerves before your exam:

  • Make sure you have registered for your exam
  • Make sure your exam timetable is correct
  • Make sure you take all the necessary equipment into the exam room
  • Before attempting to answer questions, it is critical to read through the entire paper, paying close attention to the instructions and mark allocations
  • Before attempting to answer a question, read it carefully, paying attention to the verbs used (i.e. discuss, explain, name, etc.)
  • If you are given a choice of questions, mark those which immediately appeal to you (do not worry at this stage if there are questions you think you cannot do)
  • Work out how much time should be spent on each question, according to the mark allocations and total time allowed to complete the exam in
  • Number your questions carefully and exactly in the same manner as they are numbered on the question paper (e.g. 1.1.1 or A.1)
  • Start with the questions you can do easily, leaving space for and returning later to answer earlier questions, so that your answers are in the correct order for the examiner
  • For long, essay-type questions, first plan your answer, by jotting down the main points in rough, as well as deciding on the introduction, body and conclusion
  • If you are not sure of the meaning of a question, ask for clarification. Don’t hesitate to ask your instructor or invigilator for clarification
  • Before you hand in your exam paper, proofread it at least once, and make sure you haven’t left out any questions, sub-questions, answers or parts of answers
  • Avoid not answering a question, even if you are not sure about the answer – always try to use your common sense in such an instance
  • Try to keep calm and to think clearly
  • Avoid “negative self-talk”, which will have a debilitating effect on your performance

Extracts from: Kaplinski, S. (1992). Preparing for a quality Matric. Cape Town: Don Nelson Publishers


Where & when to start studying

  • Consult your study programme – it will indicate all the assignments you have to submit to the college and which units to study before attempting to answer the questions of a specific assignment.
  • Suggested time per subject: decide how long you intend to take to complete your course – it is your choice if you want to complete your studies before your stipulated contract period comes to an end. Now take the amount of months and divide it by the amount of assignments you have to submit to the college. If your course is examined, make provision for at least one month for revision before you intend to write the exam. Also make provision for the fact that you might have to re-submit an assignment due to you not having achieved the desired competency level. This will be indicated by a W-grade (grade withheld), and you will be given another chance to resubmit your assignment.
  • Example: I want to complete my course within two years, and my course is an examined course. I have 11 assignments to submit to the college within two years (24 months), leaving one month at the end to do revision for the exams, and making provision for holidays (thus ±22 months). Thus, 11 assignments/22 months = one assignment every two months. Please note that this is just an example of how to plan your time, but you can still choose whichever way works best for you.
  • The best time to begin to study is when you receive your first study unit, so you have plenty of time to plan ahead. Draw up a study plan/schedule that allows you the time you need to get through the work you want to cover, scheduling study time every day, even if only an hour. You need to prioritise when you study, starting with the most important or difficult sections while you are fresh.
    Include in your schedule, breaks for coffee, watching TV, a chat or just ten minutes to an hour of stretching and breathing exercises. This will get your circulation going, wake you up and help you to concentrate. Put this study plan on your wall where you are going to study, and stick to it!
  • When you open a study unit, look at the contents page to see what each chapter is about. Take your time to absorb what you will be learning, and then focus on one section at a time. Always read the outcomes or learning objectives at the beginning of each study unit or chapter, so you know what you are going to learn before you start. Look carefully at the headings for each section, and see how everything fits together. Do the tasks and self-assessment questions in the study units, as these are designed to consolidate your understanding. Interact with the study material – make notes and highlight the parts you think are the key points. Get a friend or member of your family to ask you questions, so you become confident about answering.

How to submit assignments to the college:

  • Write neatly and answer questions in the order and same manner as they appear on your question paper
  • Write in blue/black pen (not pencil)
  • Attach an Assignment Cover Sheet to your assignment, click here to download
  • Staple pages in the left-hand corner (do not use paperclips)
  • Fill out your details on the test sheet
  • Make sure your address is visible and correct
  • Always indicate your student number and test number
  • Do not staple assignments together, rather staple them separately, each one with its own test sheet, although you may place them in the same envelope
  • You may email your assignments to [email protected] or post them to the college
  • When emailing your assignments, please download and complete the Assignment Cover Sheet MS Word document – remember to attach it to the email with your assignment
  • Contact details appear in your study pack or you can contact the Student Services Call Centre

Common reasons why assignments are failed


  • Not enough time is spent studying the units before attempting to do an assignment
  • Copying directly from the study material, without demonstrating a true understanding of the content
  • Incomplete assignments – make sure you answer every question, even if you’re unsure of the answer
  • Not taking note of the mark allocations and thus providing insufficient information
  • Not reading the questions properly
  • Not answering exactly what is asked
  • Not planning the outline of an essay, prior to writing it (i.e. introduction, body, conclusion, in-text referencing and reference list at the end)

Following are some key words, which you must ensure you understand the meaning of, since the key word indicates how you should answer the question.
Analyse: Discuss in detail, pointing out main issues as well as strengths and weaknesses.
Assess: Give your opinion after considering points for and against.
Account for: Give reasons for, and ensure that the reasons are supported by adequate evidence and that deductions are logical.
Comment on: Giving reasons and without going into too much detail, supply your opinion on…
Compare: Weigh up the differences, but accept and acknowledge similarities where relevant.
Contrast: Focus on differences, but accept and acknowledge similarities where relevant.
Criticise: Give your reasoned opinion on the merit of a topic, indicating weaknesses. Ensure reasoning is logical and sound.
Define: Supply exact meaning of a phrase or concept.
Describe: Give information about something, but do not interpret it.
Discuss: Examining all aspects, point out the strengths and weaknesses. After considering it from all angles, give a reasoned conclusion.
Enumerate: List in point form – a, b, c, etc.
Evaluate: Give your opinion after considering the evidence and opinions of others, providing the positive & negative points.
Explain: Using examples, clarify an issue or concept. Give an account of: Sequentially, describe…
Illustrate: Using examples, drawings, diagrams, charts, tables, etc, to make a concept clear or to clarify a point.
Interpret: Supply your opinion on the true meaning of the subject in question.
Justify: Show adequate reasons for a proposition or conclusion. List: Supply in point form.
Outline: Provide main points, without details.
Prove: Indicate the truth of something by giving factual evidence or logical reasons.
Relate a to b: Show connection between a and b and how the one is influenced by the other.
Review: Give a critical survey, highlighting the important, relevant points.
State: Provide main points in a brief, clear format.
Summarise: Present crux of an argument, including essential points but without finer details and examples.
Trace: Follow the course/trail of…

Time Management

Where & when to start studying
One of the most alarming factors of enrolling at a distance learning institution must surely be the anxiety you experience about where or how to start, in order to complete within the specific contract period. The most common difficulty students experience is the simple failure to get down to regular concentrated work, which is caused by not working or studying to a plan or a regular study routine. The first step in managing your time effectively is to plan ahead and to set specific attainable objectives for yourself.
Start by drawing up a monthly, weekly and daily timetable. The advantages of a timetable are the savings in time and effort, and the efficiency, which results from taking an overall view of your total workload.
Some Time Management Tips:

  • Write all important tests, deadlines and activities on a large monthly calendar. Place it at your study area, where it will be clearly visible to you.
  • Determine how much study time you have at your disposal per week, writing down everything you have to do during the following week (e.g. job, meetings, urgent visits, important social gatherings, recreation activities, family time, relaxing, eating, sleeping etc).
  • If you have a full-time job, try to study at least six hours per week. Those who do not have a full-time job need to invest more time.
  • Consult your monthly planner, and decide which subject you should deal with during the week, and which section of work you should master every day.
  • Remember to limit your straight study time to no longer than one hour. It is important to take a ten-minute break between study periods to refresh yourself, and give your mind a rest.
  • Be aware of your energy level in terms of whether you are a morning or evening person and plan accordingly.
  • Eliminate time wasters.
  • Avoid procrastination, e.g. “I’ll do it tomorrow”.
  • Divide your studying into smaller sections/goals. This helps to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Setting smaller goals makes the task more manageable and less complex.
  • Make a huge effort to stick to your timetable!

Job Search

Students are often faced with the daunting task of finding work after they have completed their studies/education.
How does one go about finding work?
Try as many of the following avenues:
1. Join a recruitment agency: Join as many reputable recruitment agencies as possible, in addition to trying to find a job yourself. Contact them regularly, while you are trying other avenues.
2. Newspapers: Jobs are most often advertised in newspapers. Find out which of your local newspapers contain job sections. Buy the newspaper on the day it is published and contact possible employers as soon as possible. Due to the scarcity of jobs, timing is very important. Try to contact the person telephonically to discuss the position, instead of just sending your Curriculum Vitae (CV). This might also ensure that your name is remembered amongst the many applications received.
3. Internet: Jobs are increasingly advertised on the internet. Your major search engines will contain links to career pages.
4. Approach companies: If there is a company you are interested in working for, you could try to approach the employer(s) directly about possible opportunities. You could also offer to work unpaid for a specific period of time in order to gain experience in the field of interest and to get your foot in the door.
5. Contact/Visit the Department of Labour: You will find these offices in major cities. They will be able to provide you with information on job vacancies and career information.
6. Networking: Keep your eyes and ears open at all times. Speak to friends, family, colleagues, and people in your community and tell them that you are looking for work, and specifically the type of position you are interested in. Make calls to the Human Resources (HR) Managers of companies and attend possible meetings. Waiting at the phone, is not going to get you a job. It takes courage to find a job, so try not to get despondent/demotivated too quickly, as active perseverance is what will get you the job eventually.
7. Curriculum Vitae (CV): Prepare a professional CV, which you can give to employers as the opportunities present themselves. It is advisable to have a number of hard copies available, as well as in electronic format, in order to be able to promptly email your CV to a prospective employer or recruitment agency. Your CV should always be accompanied by a specific application/covering letter.

Application Letter

It is always a good idea to write a specific application/covering letter to accompany your CV. Employers or recruitment agencies have to read through many CVs, and by including a brief, but informative application letter, you can only benefit yourself.
Guidelines when writing an application letter:

  • It should be brief, but informative
  • Make sure your name, address and contact numbers are clear and correct
  • Always sign the letter, even if you typed it out
  • Your name should appear under your signature
  • Address your letter to the correct person, or if you are not sure who the person is, address it to: ‘To Whom It May Concern’
  • Pay special attention to your spelling and grammar, as well as the layout of your letter, as errors will create a very poor impression and might be the real reason for your application being unsuccessful
  • Make sure that paragraphs follow a logical order, in order for the reader to get a clear understanding
  • Do not waste the reader’s time, by including unnecessary information and sweet-talk as this might only irritate the reader and create a negative impression about the applicant
  • The purpose of your letter should be included, i.e. “I am herewith applying for the position of … which has been advertised in the … (media) on the … (date)”
  • Provide reasons as to why you are interested in the position
  • Include information on your availability for interviews
  • The aim of an application letter/CV, is in fact to “sell” yourself to the reader/employer, so that he/she will invite your for a personal interview
  • Your letter should be neatly and comprehensively presented in order for the reader to want to know more about you
Example of an application letter:
PO Box xxx
Tel: (021) 418-xxxx
9 January 200x
The HR/Personnel Manager
(or address it to the specific contact person, i.e. Mr. G. Smith)
Company name
PO Box xxx
Postal code
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am herewith applying for the position of xxx as advertised in the xxx (media) on the xxx (date).
A paragraph containing your biographical details (age, marital status, country of which you are a citizen, languages).
A paragraph containing your educational background/qualifications, as well as the institutions where you obtained your qualifications.
A paragraph containing a summary/overview of your work experience, relevant to the position you are applying for.
Also include the reasons why you are interested in the position and/or why you are applying for this position at this particular company.
Concluding paragraph; expressing your hope that your application will be considered favourably and that you will hear from him/her shortly, as well as providing information on your availability for personal interviews.
Yours sincerely
Name, Surname (Mrs.)
Extracts from: Barkai, A. et al. (1991). Natuurlik kan ek! Parklands:A-Z Promotions (ltd).


CV Writing

What is a Curriculum Vitae (CV)?
It is a short, logical summary of your personal background, academic particulars, skills, work experience, achievements and relaxation particulars.
Guidelines when writing a CV:

  • Compile a basic CV, which you update regularly or any time you obtain a new qualification or position
  • When applying for a position, you can use your basic CV, but it is very important that you provide information relevant to the position you are applying for
  • Your CV needs to be concise as well as easy to read and understand
  • Remember that you are in fact busy “selling” yourself to the specific company.
  • The reader must be able to form a positive, accurate and comprehensive image of you
  • Include information that will possibly set you aside from other applicants, i.e. achievements, distinctions and promotions
  • Be honest and do not exaggerate, but also don’t be shy to admit to your attributes
  • Your CV must attract interest and attention
  • It must be set out in a logical format, which will also prepare you for the personal interview
  • Typed CV’s appear more professional and will enhance your chances of getting a position
  • Your CV should ideally consist of less than five pages
  • Include details of references (previous employers) and make sure they are aware of the fact that you have supplied their names, and ensure that they are willing to give a reference on you
  • Do not include family, friends or same-level colleagues as references
  • References should be a previous manager or person you reported to
  • If you have never worked before, supply the name of a professional person who knows you well (e.g. your school principal, priest, doctor or lecturer)
  • Make sure your references’ contact numbers are correct
  • It is also a good idea to include copies of all your results and if possible, your matric certificate

Example of a Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Personal Information
Address (postal and residential):
Contact telephone number(s):
Email address (if applicable) :
Marital status:
Date of Birth:
Driver’s License:
Educational Background
Start with the most recent qualifications, which you have obtained. List all your tertiary qualifications – whether they are relevant to the position you are applying for or not. Remember to furnish proof of your qualifications, by including certified copies of your qualifications.
Year(s) of Study:
Subjects Completed:
Matriculation certificate (e.g. Senior Certificate): 
Name of school:
Subjects and Final Results:
Also, include significant achievements (e.g. Prefect: 1998)
Work Experience
This section is very important, as it provides the employer with information about your suitability of the vacant position. Start with your present or most recent position and mention all positions of the past 10 years.
Describe your basic skills. Include the main responsibilities/duties you performed in each position.
Include special achievements or promotions.

Name of Employer:
Position Held:
Duration of Employment:
Reason for Leaving:
Also include formal and informal in-house training you have attended.
This section should indicate the skills you have acquired and how they will add value to the position you are applying for, i.e. managerial skills, communication skills, analytical abilities, computer skills etc.
Give details of at least three references.
Name of Reference:
Name of Company:
Position at Company:
Relationship with You (i.e. Manager/Supervisor):
Telephone Number and Area Code:
Also include certified copies of your qualifications, results and testimonials.
Extracts from: Barkai, A. et al. (1991). Natuurlik kan ek! Parklands:A-Z Promotions (ltd).

The Job Interview

The interview is the opportunity you get to meet the prospective employer. Here you should take the time to sell yourself in person to the employer as well as to get a realistic image of what will be expected of you in the position you have applied for. The interview is also the place where you can determine whether this job is in fact the job you have been looking for and if it is really suited to you.
Tips when attending the job interview:

  • Remember the saying: “First impressions last”, hence the importance of creating a positive impression at your interview
  • Dress appropriately – formal and neatly
  • Be punctual
  • Schedule enough time for attending the interview – ±1 hour
  • Take your ID document with
  • Take a copy of your CV as well as certified copies of your certificates and reference letters
  • Do research about the company, and the position
  • Speak confidently, ensuring that you support your answers with relevant examples from your work experience
  • Always relate your answers to the position you are applying for
  • Sit up straight and look enthusiastic
  • Be honest and professional
  • Never ever chew gum while being interviewed
  • Try not to smell of smoke, as this creates a negative first impression
  • Prepare a couple of answers to questions, which are usually asked in interviews, e.g. “What are your strengths & developmental areas?” as well as “What are your future plans?”
  • When the time arrives for you to ask questions, ask questions to help you gain more insight into the specific job you have applied for
  • Do not speak/ask about salary at the first interview unless the interviewer brings it up. Rather wait until you have a job offer on paper before you start your negotiations
  • At the end of the interview, thank the employer for granting you an interview
  • If you did not get the position, try to obtain feedback from the employer as to the reasons why you were unsuccessful. Use this information as a learning experience or stepping stone to the right offer

Examples of type of questions asked in interviews:

  • Tell me about yourself, your educational and work history?
    Be brief and list your main qualifications and relevant work history
  • Why did you apply for this particular position?
    Discuss the background knowledge you gained from researching the position and company. Highlight your abilities and areas where you think you can contribute positively
  • List your strengths and developmental areas (weaknesses)
    Emphasise those skills, which would help you in the position you are applying for. For weaknesses, mention those that can be turned into strengths, and indicate how you are trying to improve them
  • Why do you think you are suited to this position and company?
    Again, emphasise those skills, which would help you in the position you are applying for and how your personality would match the culture of the organisation
  • What are your areas of expertise (what are you good at?)
    Mention only the skills that would benefit the position you are applying for and the company
  • What are your reasons for leaving your current employment?
    Be honest and mention only the most obvious reasons. Don’t criticise or discuss your previous employer
  • What are your greatest concerns about this position?
    Be honest, but stress the fact that you are eager for a challenge
  • Where do you see yourself 5/10 years from now?
    Although it is good to be ambitious, try to be realistic and don’t say you want to be the MD of the company

Frequently Asked Questions

1.”When do I begin to study?”
The best time is when you receive your first study unit, so you have plenty of time to plan. Make a study plan that allows you the time you need to get through the work you want to cover, scheduling study time every day, even if only for an hour. You need to prioritise when you study, starting with the most important or difficult sections while you are fresh.
Include in your schedule breaks for coffee, a chat or just ten minutes an hour of stretching and breathing exercises. This will get your circulation going, wake you up and help you to concentrate.
Put this study plan on your wall where you are going to study and stick to it!
2. “It’s so difficult to remember everything.”
When you open a study unit, look at the contents page to see what each chapter is about. Take your time to absorb what you will be learning, and then focus on one section at a time. Always read the outcomes or learning objectives at the beginning of each study unit or chapter, so you know what you are going to learn before you start. Look carefully at the headings for each section, and see how everything fits together. Do the tasks and self-assessment questions in the study units, as these are designed to consolidate your understanding.
Interact with the study material – make notes and highlight the parts you think are the key points.
Get a friend or member of your family to ask you questions, so you become confident about answering.
3. “Even though I understand everything I read, how do I get it to stick in my mind?”
Make your learning personal. We remember things that have meaning for us, so try to make connections or associations in your memory with things that are easy for you to remember. For example, when trying to remember a long list of items, many people take the first letter of each word in the list and create a word that they will remember.
4. “How do I remember so much stuff?”
You need to organise the information like a filing system! It is easier to remember a large amount of information if you organise it into smaller categories. Create categories of information and link them together to make sense of the smaller and bigger parts. It is very useful to summarise the content in your own handwriting, by using key points or headings. You can also draw mind maps, charts, and diagrams showing how you understand the sections of work and the way they fit together.
5. “I keep forgetting what I learnt a few minutes before.”
Once you have finished learning a section, review it. Go through the activities in the study unit and then try to answer the self-assessment questions – in writing! If you get stuck, it means you need to re-read the section. But, at least now you will know where you got stuck and what points you have to concentrate on.
6. “I’m running out of time, but have still got so much to study.”
Don’t panic. Look at everything you have to study and identify areas that you still don’t understand, or that are important. Draw yourself a study schedule/roster to cover all those areas and get started. Remember, if you fail an exam, you will simply go back the next time with more knowledge and greater understanding.
7. “I think it all makes sense. How can I be sure?”
Draw up questions to test yourself on general connections between sections of work as well as details. This will give you a clear idea of the big picture and you will understand how the smaller bits of information fit in. Look at all sections of work that have been covered and don’t take chances by leaving things out – that will only damage your complete understanding.
Remember; always treat the tests in the study material that you submit to the college for marking like mini-exams. Give yourself only the time allocated to complete the questions and use them to prepare yourself for the final examination. Once you have completed all the tests successfully in this way, it means you are ready for the final examination.
8. ‘If I cram the night before an exam, everything should still be fresh in my mind…’
It won’t. You will not have a clear idea of the big picture, so you will easily be confused by questions and will probably answer incorrectly. Also, you will write about what you remember, instead of answering the question. There are no marks for information that is not asked for!
9. “What’s wrong with studying in bed?”
When you get into bed, your mind tells you it is time to sleep, so you won’t achieve maximum concentration. Get your mind into study mode in the appropriate setting – at a desk! Also, when you write your exam, your memory will be able to access what you have learned if your study environment is similar to that of the exam. Always try to study seated at a desk or table, and make sure your lighting is sufficient.
10. “I worked through the night on this, and it still doesn’t make sense.”
When it comes to rest, the mind works in the same way as the body. In the same way that an athlete needs to train regularly and get sufficient sleep before a big match, you need to study regularly and let your mind rest in between this study “exercise”. Don’t exhaust your memory by forcing yourself to stay awake all night – you need to give your mind a complete rest before the big day!
And, in the same way your body needs nutrition through good eating habits, so does your mind. Those essential elements of nutrition – protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals – will help to keep you physically and mentally fit.

Apply for job

Grade 12 Final Examinations Venue Information

Eastern Cape

Free State


Kwazulu Natal



North West

Northern Cape

Western Cape


DCC’s Learning Opportunities

DCC caters for a wide variety of learner needs. This means that we offer both formal and non-formal programmes. It is important that you understand the type of programme for which you are enrolling.
Damelin Correspondence College offers you the following learning opportunities:
National qualifications are credit-bearing qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and accredited by a quality assurance body, such as a SETA. A skills programme is an accredited component of a national qualification. An example of a national qualification offered by DCC is the National Certificate in Bookkeeping, NQF Level 3, SAQA ID 58375, accredited by FASSET.
DCC Provider Programmes are DCC’s vocational certificates and diplomas that enhance your skills and improve your career opportunities. Provider programmes are not linked to the NQF, but they are in high demand and carry the approval of the DCC Academic Board. An example of a DCC provider programme is the DCC Certificate in Professional Secretary.
Agent Programmes are programmes for which DCC offers tuition, but where DCC does not issue the final certificate. The agent body issues the final certificate and manages the final examinations. An example of an agent programme offered by DCC is the Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS) programme.
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Programmes are short courses that help you add to your current professional knowledge in a particular field, and hence boost your abilities within your career. An example of a DCC CPD programme is the DCC Short Course in Conflict Management.
Orientation Programmes are short courses that introduce you to a particular field or career, and that offer you the opportunity to explore an interest or skills set without having to enrol on a full programme. An example of a DCC orientation programme is the DCC Short Course: Introduction to Radio Broadcasting.
Self-employment Programmes were designed to refine your skills in a particular field of interest, to teach you how to make a living from a particular skill, interest or hobby, and to help you start your own business. An example of a DCC self-employment programme is the DCC Diploma in Computerised Bookkeeping.


Click on one of the links below to download a PDF document:

Orientation Guides

Grade 10, 11 and 12 Study Material Availability

Senior Certificate 2013-2014 amended Set Works


Summary of Turnaround Times

Study material: The college will dispatch all study material that a student is entitled to within 21 working days of the date of registration (the date on which a student signs an enrolment contract with the college). Please note that students who pay in instalments are usually not eligible to receive all their study material upfront, but will receive the material in batches throughout their studies.
Exam eligibility letters: Exam eligibility letters will be sent to students at least two months before the start of an exam session.
Exam confirmation letters: Exam confirmation letters will be sent to students at least four weeks before the start of an exam session. Exam eligibility letters will only be sent via e-mail, and will not be posted or faxed. All students must ensure that they access their college e-mail address regularly.
Release of exam results: Exam results will be released within 10 weeks of the end of the exam session. Exam results will not be released to students whose accounts are in arrears.
Cancellation requests: Cancellation requests will be processed within four weeks of receipt of the request.
Payment of student refunds – cancellations: Refunds related to cancellations will be paid within 90 days of the approval of the cancellation.
Payment of student refunds – non-cancellations: Refunds not related to cancellations will be paid within four weeks of the approval of the refund.
Awards: Awards for examinable courses will be issued within eight weeks of the release of exam results. Awards for non-examinable courses will be issued within eight weeks of passing the final assignment. Awards will not be released to students whose accounts are in arrears.
Assignment results: Assignment results will be released as they become available within a reasonable time.
Assignment returns: Marked assignments will be returned to students as they are received within a reasonable time.
Dial-a-tutor queries: Students will be contacted by a tutor within three working days of the receipt of a query.
Course transfer requests: All requests for course transfers will be processed within four weeks of receipt of the request to transfer.

Grade 12 Important Examination Information

History Grade 12 Exam Guidelines 2014
