
Durban University Of Technology Drama Studies

Durban University Of Technology Drama Studies, The Drama and Production Studies Programme centres on the development of the individual actor or director. It is a multi-functional programme designed to train actors for a varied career in professional theatre, television, film and radio. In addition to this it seeks to provide specialist training in two chosen fields through two electives studied at a second and third year level.



Production Pictures

Previous Productions
Hamlet Deconstructed


Diploma: Drama

This is an intensive, full-time three year programme involving the study of theatre and the related arts. This three year programme focuses on the holistic development of the unique creative artist.

Drama graduates have, in the past, continued their studies by reading for a Higher Diploma in Education, (H.D.E.), a B. Tech Degree or a B.A. (Hons.).

This fourth year qualification is an option for students with excellent grades accumulated in the three year tertiary diploma and may prove beneficial to anyone wishing to teach within the education system or open their own studio.
The courses for this three year Diploma are offered as full-time courses in Durban only. Practical involvement is considerable and students may not refuse to participate in any such experience as may be arranged for them by the Department, even though the work is in an unpaid capacity. Students are encouraged to seek experience in the professional theatre, provided that such experience does not interfere with class work, production work or attendance.

The main thrust of the National Diploma: Drama is on developing the skills of the student as:

  • An Actor – Preparation for a career as an actor extends from class work in distinctive acting styles, to productions, both in front of a student audience and the general public in departmental productions. Students are also trained to work in other mediums of communication, particularly television and screen acting.
  • The Director – Throughout the three years of study, the student is exposed to the diverse skills needed in order to become a director. A study is made of various directors and directing techniques and in third year, each student is required to direct a short production. Workshopping also forms an integral part of the directing course.

Entry Requirements
Diploma in Drama Studies Entrance Requirements


  • Academic – Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification. Students must meet Institutional Registration requirements in order to enroll for the Drama Studies programme.
  • Audition – In addition to the minimum entrance requirements (as stated in G7), all prospective students are required to pass two auditions. At the first audition, the student presents a monologue and poem of his/her own choice as well as preparing an additional piece:
    • song
    • dance
    • mimeIf the student successfully passes this audition, he/she will then have to participate in a second audition. At the second audition, the student must, after completing a reading study, work in groups with lecturers on improvisation, dance, singing and sight-reading skills. The student must also present a set monologue and poem prescribed by the Department. The Department takes a maximum of 45 students per annum.


  1. Students registering for the National Diploma Drama will be required to meet the minimum DUT admission requirements as set out in the general DUT rules.
    Students must be in possession of the following:
    1. Four (20 credit) subjects with a minimum rating of 3 (40%-49%) from the Tertiary Studies List of designated subjects
    2. One of the two languages required in the Tertiary Studies List must be English
    3. A maximum of two languages in the Tertiary Studies List of designated subjects will be accepted
    4. Mathematical Literacy will be accepted as part of the Tertiary Studies List of designated subjects
    5. Two further (20 credit) subjects beyond the 4 (20 credit) subjects [refer item 4.1.1] with a minimum rating of 3 (40%- 49%) in at least one of the 2 remaining (20 credit) subjects and 2 (30%-39%) in the other (20 credit) subject derived from the Recognised National Senior Cer tificate Subjects list.
    6. Students must be in possession of a minimum of 120 credits
      Students must have achieved a minimum of 22 points to enter the programme
      Students will additionally be required to audition for placement in the Drama Studies programme as contained in the Departmental Handbook rules.
    For admission to the programme, the student must, in addition to the possession of the minimum entrance requirement (as stated in G7), pass an audition where he/she must present a monologue, a poem and a dance, song, mime etc. of his/her own choice. Additionally, he/she must pass the call back audition proving his/her aptitude in improvisation, movement, set monologues and poems, communication skills and interview.
  3. Minimum Admission Requirements – approved by Senate 13 Nov 2006
    A person may only be registered for an institutional programme at the institution in accordance with all statutory requirements and those as determined by the Council which includes being in possession of a National Senior Certificate (NSC) as certified by Umalusi provided that a minimum of four recognized NSC 20-credits subjects must be passed. These four subjects must:
    1. include English;
    2. not exceed two official languages; and
      Rating CodeRatingMarks %7Outstanding achievement80 – 1006Meritorious achievement70 – 795Substantial achievement60 – 694Adequate achievement50 – 593Moderate achievement40 – 492Elementary achievement30 – 391Not achieved0 – 29
  4. N Dip: Drama
  5. Additional requirements
    1. Audition and call back audition
