
Julonetix Footwear Academy – Cape Town

Julonetix Footwear Academy – Cape Town provides all the education and support structures like manufacturing and sales platforms a student would need to establish their own brand.


Julonetix Footwear Academy – Cape Town Courses

  • Footwear Design
  • Handbag design
  • Shoe making
  • Custom courses

How To Apply To Julonetix Footwear Academy – Cape Town

Things to note before applying online to PR:


  1. You’ll need an email address to complete the application.
  2. South African applicants will need an ID number.  Foreign applicants will need their passport number.
  3. You will need to have registered for the NBTs before applying online.
  4. You will need to pay an application fee.
  5. Need accommodation?  Make sure you mark this on your application form.
  6. Remember to check faculty-specific requirements before applying.
