
MUT Agriculture

MUT Agriculture, The Department of Agriculture is progressive, innovative, dynamic and upholds high standard in teaching, research, and community upliftment.



  • To develop and run relevant academic and research programmes and community services in the field of agriculture.
  • To produce competitive graduates who will become key players in the economy.
  • To uplift communities by engaging them in projects through applied research and training programme.



To achieve the vision and mission, the Department of Agriculture of MUT developed four key strategic goals:

  • The students are involved and exposed to practical components of relevant modules.
  • The number of Department of Agriculture graduates at MUT employed by reputable employers increases.
  • The programmes and curricula offered are relevant and meet the requirements of the job market.
  • Mutually beneficial relationships with farming communities are developed through research and training.


National Diploma: Agriculture and National Diploma: Agriculture (ECP)

These programmes aim to equip students with skills in running of enterprises in plant production from seedling preparation, through planting and general management to marketing. Plants studies are biased to field crops, fruit and vegetables. The study of these enterprises is complemented by studying Agricultural Extension which focuses on dissemination of agricultural information to farmers, Agricultural Economics which deals with business aspects, and Soil Science which is presented as a medium for plant growth.

National Diploma: Agriculture: Animal Production and Diploma: Agriculture: Animal Production (ECP)

These programmes aim to equip students with skills in running of enterprises in animal production. Animal studies are biased to beef production, milk production, pig production, poultry production (broilers and layers) and small stock production (goats and sheep). The study of these enterprises is complemented by studying pasture sciences.


To be considered for registration to the National Diploma: Agriculture or National Diploma: Agriculture: Animal Production, an applicant must have senior certificate with passes in Agricultural Science or Life Science (4), English HG D; LG D, (Higher Grade/Lower Grade), Mathematics (3) or Mathematical Literacy (4) and Physical Science (3). A rating lower by one in any of these four key subjects above will make the applicant to be considered for the National Diploma: Agriculture (ECP) or Diploma: Agriculture: Animal Production (ECP).


National Diploma: Agriculture and National Diploma: Agriculture (ECP)

The study duration for these programmes is three years. The first two years is being spent full time at the university and the third being work-integrated learning at a practical agriculture environment.

National Diploma: Agriculture: Animal Production and Diploma: Agriculture: Animal Production (ECP)

The study duration for these programmes is four years. The first three being spent full-time at the university and the fourth being work-integrated earning at a practical agriculture environment – an apprenticeship in other words.



First Year
1st Semester2nd Semester
ABOTA01Agricultural Botany IAGEXT02Agricultural Extension II
ACALC01Agricultural Calculations ICROPP01Crop Production I
AGECO01Agricultural Economics ICPROT01Crop Protection I
AGEXT01Agricultural Extension ISSCIE01Soil Science I
AMECA01Agricultural Mechanisation IVEGEP01Vegetable Production I
Second Year
1st Semester2nd Semester
AMARK02Agricultural Marketing IIAGEXT03Agricultural Extension III
AGRON02Agronomy IIAPMAN03Agricultural Production Management III
CPROT02Crop protection IIAGRON03Agronomy III
FRUIT02Fruit Production IICPROT03Crop Protection III
SOILS02Soil Survey IIFRUIT03Fruit Production III
SSCIE03Soil Science III
Third Year
1st Semester2nd Semester
AGRIP02Agricultural Production Techniques IIAGRIP03Agricultural Production Techniques III



First Year
1st Semester2nd Semester
BENGL01Basic English IACHEM01Agricultural chemistry I
BNUMA01Basic Numeracy IAGNUM01Agricultural Numeracy I
PHYSC01Physical Science IAABIO01Animal Biology I
APBIO01Plant Biology ICOMMT01Communication I
VELMA01Veld Management ICOLIT01Computer Literacy I
Second Year
1st Semester2nd Semester
ABOTA18Agricultural Botany IAGEXT28Agricultural Extension II
ACALC18Agricultural Calculations ICROPP18Crop Production I
AGECO18Agricultural Economics ICPROT18Crop Protection I
AGEXT18Agricultural Extension ISSCIE18Soil Science I
AMECA18Agricultural Mechanization IIVEGEP18Vegetable Production
Third Year
1st Semester2nd Semester
AMARK28Agricultural Marketing IIAGEXT28Agricultural Extension III
AGRON28Agronomy IIAPMAN38Agricultural Production Management III
CPROT28Crop protection IIAGRON38Agronomy III
FRUIT18Fruit Production IICPROT38Crop Protection III
SOILS28Soil Survey IIFRUIT38Fruit Production III
SSCIE38Soil Science III
Fourth Year
1st Semester2nd Semester
AGRIP28Agricultural Production Techniques IIAGRIP38Agricultural Production Techniques III


First Year
1st Semester2nd Semester
ANATP01Agricultural Anatomy and Physiology IANNUT02Animal Nutrition II
ASCIE01Agricultural Science IAECON01Animal Production Economics I
MANPM01Manpower Management ICULPA01Cultivated Pastures I
NPAST01Natural pastures ISMSTP02Small Stock Production II
Second Year
1st Semester2nd Semester
BEEFP02Beefer Production IIBEEFP03Beefer Production III
MILKP02Milk Production IIMILKP03Milk Production III
PIGPR02Pig Production IIPIGPR03Pig Production III
POULP02Poultry Production IIPOULP03Poultry Production III
SMSTP03Small Stock Production III
Third Year
1st Semester2nd Semester
PROP021Animal Production Techniques IIPROP031Animal Production Techniques III


First Year
1st Semester2nd Semester
BENGL01Basic English IACHEM01Agricultural chemistry I
BNUMA01Basic Numeracy IAGNUM01Agricultural Numeracy I
PHYSC01Physical Science IAABIO01Animal Biology I
APBIO01Plant Biology ICOMMT01Communication I
VELMA01Veld Management ICOLIT01Computer Literacy I
Second Year
1st Semester2nd Semester
ANATP18Agricultural Anatomy and Physiology IANNUT28Animal Nutrition II
ASCIE18Agricultural Science IAECON18Animal Production Economics I
MANPM18Manpower Management ICULPA18Cultivated Pastures I
NPAST18Natural pastures ISMSTP28Small Stock Production II
Third Year
1st Semester2nd Semester
BEEFP28Beefer Production IIBEEFP38Beefer Production III
MILKP28Milk Production IIMILKP38Milk Production III
PIGPR28Pig Production IIPIGPR38Pig Production III
POULP28Poultry Production IIPOULP38Poultry Production III
SMSTP38Small Stock Production III
Fourth Year
1st Semester2nd Semester
PROP028Animal Production Techniques IIPROP038Animal Production Techniques III


  • A student is given a course mark for tests written, practicals completed and/or assignments submitted throughout the semester. All students must attain a minimum course mark of 40% in order to gain entry to the examination in that subject.
  • A student who has gained examination entry requires a minimum mark of 40% in the examination to be eligible to pass that subject.
  • The final mark for a subject is made up of 40% by course mark, and 60% of the examination mark. A final mark of at least 50% is required to pass that subject.


Attendance at all practical classes and all organised field trips is compulsory. Students failing to attend practical classes and/or field trips will not gain entry examination entry for that subject, irrespective of the marks obtained.


  • All students are required to complete two semesters of Work Integrated Learning in a suitable agricultural environment.
  • No student requiring more than one subject per semester to complete the theoretical portion of the Diploma may register for work integrated learning: also, the student should have acquired a course mark in that subject.
  • On registration a student will be issued with a work integrated learning manual outlining the tasks and assignments that must be completed in the two semester of work integrated learning.


Telephone: (0)31 907 7679
E-mail: [email protected]
