Credit cards
Credit cards are restricted to Visa and Mastercard. Credit card payments are accepted if you pay or register in person at Unisa in Sunnyside / Florida or at one of the regional offices. Please note that these are real-time transaction.
Unisa web credit card payments
Unisa web payment link: (this is a secure site)
Please note:
- Library fines and accounts can now also be paid via this web payment link:
- These are real-time transactions.
Click HERE to make your online payment using the credit card method / payment.
This walkthrough will guide you through the process of web payment.
Do you know the amount payable ? | < YES > If your answered yes, please proceed to the next step of the payment walkthrough. (NB: No payments can be made without your student number as reference.) |
< NO > If your answered no and would like to check the status of your account, proceed to <<myUnisa>> and login. |