
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Module Details

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Module Details, Modules (subjects) are the basic building blocks of any qualification. Use the Module Browser to view module details like the syllabus, evaluation criteria, lecturer and estimated costs. For undergraduate modules you will also be able to view the lecture timetable.


Art Theory IV (KAT4410)

This module is presented as follows in 2019:

  • SUMMERSTRAND CAMPUS NORTH: Full-Time (01)Can be used as a major: Yes
    Offered in: Term 1+2+3+4
    Credit value: 36
    Estimated fees: R13100
    Lecturer(s): CULL, CE; NYONI, VPE;
  • SUMMERSTRAND CAMPUS NORTH: Part-Time (21)Can be used as a major: Yes
    Offered in: Term 1+2+3+4
    Credit value: 36
    Estimated fees: R13100
    Lecturer(s): CULL, CE;


The purpose of this module is to allow the student to engage critically in research in which a specific aspect of Art Theory that will inform and underpin the practical component of the student’s work, will be investigated. A research paper (extended essay) of 5000 words, suitably typed and bound will be examined.



  • Demonstrate the ability to work independently in the chosen area of specialisation.
  • Demonstrate competent engagement in research methodology.
  • Extend and broaden critical, analytical and reflective skills which will be demonstrated by the production of an extended essay of 5000 words.
  • Demonstrate the ability to combine research skills with practical skills in the manner of Praxis.
  • Demonstrate the confidence and powers of self-criticism while engaging in critical debate.
  • The ability to produce research writing that meets professional standards.


  • Specialisation in iconography, iconology and appropriate and relevant techniques and methods.
  • Research methodology and writing skills development.
  • In-depth exploration of subject matter, form and content.
  • The production of an extended essay that meets with professional standards.

Evaluation criteria

100% exam mark.
Pass mark: 50%.
The examination consists of an exhibition of work completed during the study period, as well as a suitably supportive extended essay which should be typed and bound. Both components must be passed with a minimum of 50% in order to qualify for the degree.





Introduction To Media Studies – Film (LMC111)

This module is presented as follows in 2019:

  • SUMMERSTRAND CAMPUS SOUTH: Full-Time (A1)Can be used as a major: No
    Offered in: Term 1+2
    Credit value: 6
    Estimated fees: R1360
    Lecturer(s): VERMAAK, JL;


This course is designed to contain both theoretical and practical elements, and the end product should be the understanding of film theory and the ability to analyse film at an elementary level. The skills you learn here will stand you in good stead for a career in film analysis and review writing, and will help you to understand how the process works.

By the end of the module, the student will be able to:

  • apply the theories of film analysis in a practical context, albeit on an elementary level;
  • demonstrate objective understanding of film review writing; and
  • analyse films and cinema from the perspective of film theory.

As a first-year module, LMC111 focuses predominantly on knowledge retention and the ability to recall or recognise knowledge, thus starting the learning process as defined in Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning.


  • Origins of the American Film Industry.
  • The Studio Era (1930 – 1949).
  • The Contemporary Film Industry (1949 – ).
  • Interesting Terminology.
  • Film Audiences.
  • The Production Code.
  • The Context of Films.
  • Society and Politics.
  • Censorship.
  • Artistic Convention.
  • Financial Constraints.
  • Technological Developments.
  • Structure and Narrative: Sequences.
  • Maintaining Audiences’ Attention.
  • How Sequences Work.
  • Film Terminology and Cinematography.
  • Mise-en-Scene.
  • Technical Aspects.
  • Diegesis.
  • Voyeurism.
  • Agency.
  • The Gaze/Look.
  • Gender Representations in Film.
  • Animation.

Evaluation criteria

CodeDescriptionMark Allocation
IA1Individual Assignment 125%
IA2Individual Assignment 225%
IA3Individual Assignment 325%
STSemester Test25%

This module will be assessed during an examination in June/July.

This module is internally moderated.
