
Did not meet UNISA Honours Degree and Postgraduate Diploma Requirements?

Did not meet UNISA Honours Degree and Postgraduate Diploma Requirements?


Where to start?

You need to understand why you do not qualify for the qualification for which you have applied, for example: You did not complete a specific subject (eg Economics) as a major and you do not, therefore, qualify for an Honours degree in Economics, or you do not meet all the admission requirements for the postgraduate qualification (eg a 60% average at third-year level for the major subject). It may also be that you do qualify, but that you cannot be offered a place in the current academic year due to space restrictions for the qualification.


What else can you consider?

You need to think about your career vision and what you need from your qualification, for example: You applied for an Honours degree in Psychology because you are planning to also complete a master’s degree in order to register as a psychologist. In this case, it would be important for you to explore how you can meet the requirements for the honours degree (eg by completing relevant undergraduate modules for third-year level to meet the requirements). Unisa may not be able to grant you an opportunity to complete modules for non-degree purposes. It is therefore important that you also explore options at other universities.
In other instances, you may think about exploring other study option, for example: You have completed a degree and now need a management qualification in order to progress. Can you consider a management development programme through a business school to meet this need? Even another option is to focus on obtaining relevant practical experience to broaden your career opportunities.
You may need to reconsider your career vision and think about other study options to link to your career development.


Who can you talk to if you want to reconsider or adjust your career plans?

Contact a Unisa career counsellor at [email protected] to have a conversation about your career and appropriate study options.
