AFDA Prospectus South Africa 2025
AFDA Prospectus South Africa 2025 is available for Download
A university or school prospectus is a document sent to potential (prospective) students to attract them to apply for admission. It usually contains information about the institution and the available courses, including advice on how to apply and the benefits of accepting a place.
Click Here To download AFDA Prospectus
It seems that many people have been wondering, what does AFDA stand for?
It used to be an acronym for Africa Film Drama Art. Nowadays though, its not meant to stand for anything, its just AFDA, the South African School of Motion Picture Medium and Live Performance.
Yes AFDA does have a number of foreign students from all over the world. These students are best off applying as early as possible as there is a lot more preparation necessary in terms of visas etc. Please note for all outside-Africa nationality students there is a slight variation in the Registration fee, and also a one-off payment that needs to be done with the very first installment of fees.
Please refer to the Fee Structure. Unfortunately, these are not likely candidates for our local government’s bursary opportunities. AFDA prides itself on its full cultural diversity.
All foreign applicants that did not write the NSC (National Senior Certificate) or attended a recognized university in their country, outside of South Africa, must have their school leaving results assessed and converted by either HESA (Higher Education South Africa) for school leaving certificates or SAQA (South
African Qualifications Authority) for post grad conversions. This process applies to all foreign applicants who did not attend any form of educational training in South Africa.
Bachelor of Arts in Motion Picture Medium
Bachelor of Arts in Live Performance
BCom Business Innovation
Bachelor Computer Technology
Bachelor of Arts in Motion Picture (Honours)
Bachelor of Arts in Live Performance (Honours)
Master of Arts in Fine Arts Motion Picture (MAFA)
The 4th year, Honours, is optional and is by invitation only to current students who qualify with a pass mark of 85% in their 3rd year, or to RPL (Recognised Prior Learning) Applicants who need to submit the appropriate supporting documentation and previous practical work. After three years you will graduate with a Bachelor of Motion Picture Medium Degree or a Bachelor of Live Performance Degree.
The study funds of every registered and prospective student of the institution are the responsibility of the individual student. The institution will not enter into funding agreements or negotiations for funding on behalf of prospective students. AFDA helps registered students of the institution get onto possible funding lists of a few funders who prefer to work though the institution. This is also is subject to the availability of funders, as well as the current student meeting set criteria.
Please view our Bursary Providers List under Key Documents on the main menu
Recognised Prior Learning is a combination of either:
- Your current formal educational qualifications at a Tertiary Institution that relate to the field, provided that you can demonstrate the core competencies, at both an intellectual and technical level, required by the AFDA Curriculum.
- The number of years in a specific or related industry.
- 5 years’ experience will validate consideration for entry into the Undergraduate program, and
- 10 years’ experience is required for the Postgraduate program, with a portfolio demonstrating your intellectual and craft skills required for the AFDA Curriculum,
- Any other certified achievements. RPL’s are required to provide a letter of motivation, reflecting on their academic and practical knowledge of Motion Picture Medium and the particular disciplines they have chosen, as well as any other material that may support their application, according to the Discipline specific requirements. The complete application will be handed over to the relevant Departments. The applicant would be required to come in for an interview; this enables AFDA to know the extent of bridging necessary. Due to AFDA’s High Standard and Level of Training for Film, we would not want to place RPL Students unsuitably.