
Rhodes University Campus Protection Unit

Rhodes University Campus Protection Unit, The Campus Protection Unit (CPU), which operates from Rhodes Avenue adjacent to Hobson House, is committed to protecting the safety of the Rhodes community and its property. Every person on campus is encouraged to exercise caution and common sense with regard to security of persons and property.


Read the CPU BROCHURE … view Services A-Z … MEET THE TEAM!


Services offered by the CPU:

  • CPU 24-hour Emergency Line046-603.8999 (save this number on cell phones / emergency lists) – the CPU will summons police / other emergency services as required).
  • Familiarise yourself with the RU Crisis Management
  • What should you do in a Fire Emergency
  • Important Emergency Contact Numbers
  • Read about Personal Safety and Security Considerations
  • Find out about the Blue Security Route
  • CPU 24-hour Help Desk: 046-603.8146 / 7

Core objectives of the CPU:

  • To satisfy the needs of staff, students and parents for a safe and secure environment for academic studies and activities thereby enhancing the quality of the Rhodes experience.
  • To contribute to the overall purpose of Rhodes as a provider of life skills by educating people in proactive measures to reduce security and safety hazards.
  • To strive to earn the respect and confidence of the Rhodes community by projecting an image of courtesy, concern and competence and by providing a quick and knowledgeable response to emergency situations.

More info

  • Contact: RU extension 046-603.8146/7 or 8999 (emergencies)
  • Email: cpu(at)
  • Map: search “Campus Protection Unit” at
  • Health & Safety: Find out more at Safety
