Sol Plaatje University Management, the information provided below are the school management staff who help in the school developments

Prof Yunus Ballim
Vice-Chancellor and Principal
BSc (Civil Eng) (WITS) MSc (Eng) (WITS) PhD (WITS)

Prof Mary Jean Baxen
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Primary Teachers Diploma (Bechet College of Education)Bachelor of Arts (Unisa) Master of Education (Mathematics Education) (University of Leeds (UK)) PhD (UCT)Less

Mr Raymond Olander
Chief Operating Officer
BCompt (UNISA)

Ms Annalene Marais
Chief Financial Officer
CA (SA) BAcc (UFS) Certificate in Theoretical Accounting (UFS)Certificate in Municipal Finance and Supply Chain Management – Part 1 and 2 (WITS)Less

Mr Rathnum Naidoo
University Registrar
B.A. (UNISA) B.Ed. (Rhodes)

Prof Patrick FitzGerald
Executive Director: Special Projects
BA (Philosophy, Politics) (WITS)