
South African Tang Soo Do Academy

The art of Tang Soo Do is a traditional Korean martial arts style, whose history can be traced back for nearly 2000 years. The name “Tang Soo Do” in English, means “The way of the T’ang, or Chinese hand”, implying that it is an open-handed fighting style, derivative of T’ang -period Chinese martial arts.


South African Tang Soo Do Academy Programmes

Youth Program

Our Youth program is specifically designed for children between the ages of 8 and 13. World Tang Soo Do Association Internationally Certified Black Belt instructors teach all our classes and we promote a safe and healthy learning environment. Some of the benefits of Tang Soo Do:

  • Through the activities and exercises, students will improve their co-ordination and balance;
  • Our classes develop self-discipline that brings out the best in our students so that they may achieve their goals in every aspect of life;
  • Enhancement of their concentration for better academic performance; and
  • A better self-image that instills confidence in their own abilities helps them to withstand unhealthy peer pressure. This program is tailored for members older than 14. These classes’ goal is to improve fitness, co-ordination, and character. To accommodate your busy schedules, most of these classes are presented during the evening.

Our martial arts program is a great physical and mental workout. It is also a great way to make new friends.



The Fourteen Attitude Requirements to Master Tang Soo Do

  1. Purpose of training should be the enhancement of mental and physical betterment.
  2. Serious approach.
  3. All out effort.
  4. Maintain regular and constant practice.
  5. Practice basic techniques all the time.
  6. Regularly spaced practice sessions.
  7. Always listen to and follow the direction of instructors or seniors.
  8. Do not be overly ambitious.
  9. Frequently inspect your own achievements.
  10. Always follow a routine training schedule.
  11. Repeatedly practice all techniques already learned.
  12. When learning new techniques, learn throughly the theory and philosophy as well.
  13. When you begin to feel idle, try to overcome this.
  14. Cleanliness is required after training. Keep yourself and your surroundings clean.

These attitude requirements are vital to mastering the Art of Tang Soo Do. It guides us in our training and coduct within the Dojang

The Five Codes of Tang Soo Do

  1. Loyalty to Country
  2. Obedience to Parents
  3. Honour Friendship
  4. No Retreat in Battle
  5. In Fighting, Choose with Sense and Honour

Adult Program

This program is tailored for members older than 14. These classes’ goal is to improve fitness, co-ordination and character. To accommodate your busy schedules, most of these classes are presented during the evening.

South African Tang Soo Do Academy Contact
