Stellenbosch University Language Policy, Between 2000 and 2015 the Faculty of Theology conducted all of its undergraduate classes in both Afrikaans and English due to the multilingual composition of its students from different denominations.
During the last quarter of 2015 the transformation debate within the faculty led to Parallel Medium Tuition (PMT) for first to third year modules, with bilingual classes for fourth and fifth year modules. A few modules presented by newly appointed lecturers not proficient in Afrikaans, were presented in English with translation.
Although the combination of PMT (years 1-3) and Afrikaans and English in one class (years 4-5) satisfied most students, lecturers found it taxing, leaving them with little time for research. Where limited staff resources might impact on PMT, students can be supported in alternative ways in Afrikaans and English by means of a combination of appropriate, facilitated learning opportunities (additional consultations, tutorials, podcasts etc).
Institutional funding is provided to make interpreting services available for the language arrangements as specified in the language policy
Therefore, the Faculty of Theology set out to formulate a language implementation plan that resonates with the aims and principles of SU’s language policy, while also responding to the pedagogical needs of our students.
The language implementation plan (LIP) of the Faculty of Theology wants to:
- Comply with the University’s Vision 2030 by means of a multilingual offering to enable inclusivity and equitable access to higher education.
- Facilitate effective learning and teaching and research as well as service delivery at SU.
- Promote multilingualism as an important characteristic of the faculty and its graduates.
The Faculty of Theology concurs with the essence of the new SU Language Policy:
“Stellenbosch University (SU) is committed to engagement with knowledge in a diverse society. The Language Policy aims to give effect to section 29(2) of the Constitution in relation to language usage in its academic, administrative, professional and social contexts. The policy aims to increase equitable access to SU for all students and staff to facilitate pedagogically sound teaching and learning. Since our campuses are situated in the Western Cape, we commit ourselves to multilingualism by using the province’s three official languages, namely Afrikaans. English and isiXhosa.”
Communication in general will be conducted in both Afrikaans and English, in a manner that will enhance comprehension and inclusivity for all parties concerned.
The language of written communication within the faculty and meetings depends on the language needs of the readers or participants (staff, students and other stakeholders), provided that no one is excluded by the language of communication.
Communication with postgraduate students will be predominantly in English. Supervisors and promotors, and their students can make individual arrangements regarding language of communication based on the linguistic ability and preferences of those involved as well as academic rationale.
The SU Language Policy allows the following three options for utilising language in teaching:
Using Afrikaans and English in separate class groups where this is reasonably practicable and pedagogically sound;
Using Afrikaans and English in a single class group, where all information in each lecture is conveyed at least in English, accompanied by summaries or emphasis on content in Afrikaans;
Using one language where the assigned lecturer is proficient to teach only in Afrikaans or English. Simultaneous interpreting and ICT (eg podcasts and vodcasts) can also be employed to support students’ understanding of module content.
Modules in the first and second year (BTh and BDiv) will, where reasonably practicable, offer lectures and tutorials in both Afrikaans and English – with the exception of electives.
Module descriptions and assessment instructions (assignments, tests and examinations) will be made available in both Afrikaans and English.
Students are allowed to write assignments, tests and examinations in either Afrikaans or English.
The same lecturer must be responsible for all lectures in a module as well as the setting of test and examination papers.
Tutorials will be utilised in such a manner as to serve the on-going commitment of the faculty to an inclusive culture in our university and country.
All hand-outs and PP-presentations must be tailored to the language used in a specific class presentation.
The following table provides a survey of undergraduate parallel medium tuition modules in the Faculty of Theology
Module 2017 (Afr) | Module 2017 (Eng) | Module kode Module code | Module krediete Module credits | Aanbiedingstaal Presentation language 2017 |
Kerk- en Teologiegeskiedenis: Vroeë Kerk en Middeleeue | Church History and the History of Theology: Early Church and Middle Ages | EKKL 143 | 16 | 7.1.3 |
Inleiding tot die Ou en Nuwe Testament | Introduction to the Old and New Testament | ONT 114 | 16 | 7.1.3 |
Verhalende Literatuur in die Bybel | Narrative Literature in the Bible | ONT 144 (Lessons presented by M Nel) | 16 | 7.1.3 |
Teologiese Begronding vir Jeugwerk | Theological Foundations for Youth Work | PT 112 | 8 | 7.1.3 |
Middelafhanklikheid en Groepwerk | Substance Dependency and Group Work | PT 144 | 16 | 7.1.3 |
Inleiding tot Praktiese Teologie en Missiologie | Introduction to Practical Theology and Missiology | PTM 112 | 8 | 7.1.3 |
Filosofie vir Teoloë | Philosophy for Theologians | ST 144 | 8 | 7.1.3 |
Inleiding tot Sistematiese Teologie en Ekklesiologie | Introduction to Systematic Theology and Ecclesiology | STE 114 | 16 | 7.1.3 |
15e-18e-eeuse Kerkgeskiedenis | 15th-18th-century Church History | EKKL 213 | 8 | 7.1.3 |
Afrikagodsdienste en Ekumene | African Religions and Ecumenics | MISS 244 (from week five) | 16 | 7.1.3 |
Sinoptiese Evangelies | Synoptic Gospels | NT 213 | 8 | 7.1.3 |
Die Briewe van Paulus | The Epistles of Paul | NT 262 | 8 | 7.1.3 |
Pentateug | Pentateuch | OT 213 | 8 | 7.1.3 |
Profetiese Literatuur | Prophetic Literature | OT 252 | 8 | 7.1.3 |
Inleiding tot Pastorale Berading | Introduction to Pastoral Counselling | PT 222 | 8 | 7.1.3 |
Godsleer | Doctrine of God | ST 212 | 8 | 7.1.3 |
Christologie | Christology | ST 245 | 8 | 7.1.3 |
Menswaardigheid | Human Dignity | ST 253 | 8 | 7.1.3 |
Lectures will be conducted in English with summaries and clarification of key concepts in Afrikaans. For first year modules SU makes simultaneous interpreting available during each lecture, and during the second and subsequent years of study, simultaneous interpreting may be requested by lecturers – in all instances, depending on the needs of students and the availability of resources. If two weeks have passed with no students making use of the interpreting service, it may be discontinued for the particular semester.
Module descriptions and assessment instructions (assignments, tests and examinations) will be made available in both Afrikaans and English.
Students are allowed to write assignments, tests and examinations in either Afrikaans or English.
Tutorials will be utilised in such a manner as to serve the on-going commitment of the faculty to an inclusive culture in our university. If possible, separate tutorials will be conducted in Afrikaans and English. Tutorials in isiXhosa can also be considered where reasonably practicable.
All hand-outs and PP-presentations must be in Afrikaans and English.
Questions can be posed by students in class in both Afrikaans and English; answers (where possible) will be given in the language of preference.
The following table provides a survey of undergraduate modules in the Faculty of Theology where Afrikaans and English are used in the same class.
Module 2017 (Eng) | Module kode Module code | Module krediete Module credits | Aanbiedingstaal Presentation language 2017 | |
Anglikaanse Kerkgeskiedenis en Kerkreg | Anglican Church History and Church Polity | EKKL 243 | 8 | 7.1.4 |
Gender en die Bybel | Gender and the Bible | ONT 234 | 16 | 7.1.4 |
Bedieningspraktyk | Ministry Practice | PT 262 | 8 | 7.1.4 |
Moderne Kerkgeskiedenis | Modern Church History | EKKL 342 | 8 | 7.1.4 |
Johannese literatuur | Johannine Literature | NT 312 | 8 | 7.1.4 |
Algemene Briewe en Hebreërs | General Epistles and Hebrews | NT 342 | 8 | 7.1.4 |
Argeologie van die Antieke Wêreld | Archaeology of the Ancient World | ONT 324 | 16 | 7.1.4 |
Liriese Literatuur | Lyrical Literature | OT 312 | 8 | 7.1.4 |
Homiletiek en Liturgie | Homiletics and Liturgy | PT 314 | 16 | 7.1.4 |
Geloofsvorming | Faith Formation | PT 353 | 16 | 7.1.4 |
MIV en VIGS Pastoraat | HIV and AIDS Pastorate | PT 362 | 8 | 7.1.4 |
Diensleer | Service Learning | PT 378 | 24 | 7.1.4 |
Publieke Teologie | Public Theology | ST 312 | 8 | 7.1.4 |
Pneumatologie en Ekklesiologie | Pneumatology and Eschatology | ST 322 | 8 | 7.1.4 |
Kerkleer en Sakramente | Doctrine of the Church and Sacraments | ST 342 | 8 | 7.1.4 |
Suid-Afrikaanse Kerkgeskiedenis | South African Church History | EKKL 414 | 8 | 7.1.4 |
Kerkreg | Church Polity | EKKL 443 | 8 | 7.1.4 |
Navorsingsmedodologie en –werkstuk Ekklesiologie | Research Methodology and Research Assignment Ecclesiology | EKKL 478 | 48 | 7.1.4 |
Tendensie in Missiologie en Godsdienswetenskap | Trends in Missiology and Science of Religion | MISS 442 | 16 | 7.1.4 |
Navorsingsmedodologie en –werkstuk Missiologie | Research Methodology and Research Assignment Missiology | MISS 478 | 48 | 7.1.4 |
Teks en Konteks van die Nuwe Testament | Text and Context of the New Testament | NT 422 | 8 | 7.1.4 |
Kritiek en Resepsie van die Nuwe Testament | Criticism and Reception of the New Testament | NT 442 | 8 | 7.1.4 |
Navorsingsmedodologie en –werkstuk Nuwe Testament | Research Methodology and Research Assignment New Testament | NT 478 | 48 | 7.1.4 |
Teks en Konteks van die Ou Testament | Text and Context of the Old Testament | OT 412 | 8 | 7.1.4 |
Kritiek en Resepsie van die Ou Testament | Criticism and Reception of the Old Testament | OT 452 | 8 | 7.1.4 |
Navorsingsmedodologie en –werkstuk Ou Testament | Research Methodology and Research Assignment Old Testament | OT 478 | 48 | 7.1.4 |
Hedendaagse Tendense in Praktiese Teologie | Current Trends in Practical Theology | PT 413 (for all lessons not taught by dr Bowers-du Toit) | 16 | 7.1.4 |
Navorsingsmedodologie en –werkstuk Praktiese Teologie | Research Methodology and Research Assignment Practical Theology | PT 478 | 48 | 7.1.4 |
Moderne en Kontemporêre Teolgoe: Agtergrond en Tendense | Modern and Contemporary Theology: Background and Trends | ST 421 | 8 | 7.1.4 |
Moderne en Kontemporêre Teologie: Figure en Temas | Modern and Contemporary Theology: Thinkers and Themes | ST 444 | 8 | 7.1.4 |
Navorsingsmedodologie en –werkstuk Sistematiese Teologie | Research Methodology and Research Assignment Systematic Theology | ST 478 | 48 | 7.1.4 |
Where the assigned lecturer is proficient to teach only in Afrikaans or English, lectures will be offered in one language only.
For these modules additional support will be provided:
- If the lectures are in Afrikaans, SU makes simultaneous interpreting available in English. If the lectures of the first year modules are in English, SU makes simultaneous interpreting available in Afrikaans; and during the second and subsequent years of study, simultaneous interpreting is made available by SU upon the request of staff, if the needs of students warrant the service and SU has the resources to provide it. If two weeks have passed with no students making use of the interpreting service, it may be discontinued.
- In addition to lectures, there are appropriate, facilitated learning opportunities (additional consultations, tutorials, podcasts etc) in Afrikaans and English.
Students will be given an indication as to which modules will be offered in only Afrikaans or only in English.
Module 2017 (Afr) | Module 2017 (Eng) | | Module kode Module code | Module krediete Module credits | Aanbiedingstaal Presentation language 2017 |
Inleiding tot die Teorie en Geskiedenis van Sending | Introduction to the Theory and History of Mission | | MISS 142 | 8 | 7.1.5 |
Afrikagodsdienste en Ekumene | African Religions and Ecumenics | | MISS 244 (first four weeks) | 16 | 7.1.5 |
Benaderings tot Jeugwerk | Approaches to Youth Work | | PT 212 | 8 | 7.1.5 |
Kinderbediening | Children’s Ministry | | PT 234 | 16 | 7.1.5 |
Organisasie en Beplanning van Jeugwerk | Planning and Organising within Youth Work | | PT 244 | 16 | 7.1.5 |
Jeugpastoraat | Youth Related Pastoral Care | | PT 254 | 16 | 7.1.5 |
Verhalende Literatuur in die Bybel | Narrative Literature in the Bible | | ONT 144 (Lessons presented by N Cezula) | 16 | 7.1.5 |
Wysheidsliteratuur | Wisdom Literature | | OT 342 | 8 | 7.1.5 |
Jeugkultuur | | Youth Culture | PT 322 | 8 | 7.1.5 |
Jeug- en Familiepastoraat | Youth and Family Pastorate | | PT 332 | 8 | 7.1.5 |
Teologie en Ontwikkeling | Theology and Development | | PT 344 | 16 | 7.1.5 |
Hedendaagse Tendense in Praktiese Teologie | Current Trends in Practical Theology | | PT 413 (Only when dr Bowers-du Toit is teaching) | 16 | 7.1.5 |
| | | | | |
4.4 STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS (7.1.10 of SU Language Policy)
Students with special learning needs and disabilities will be assisted in accordance with the appropriate SU Policy.
Students with special visual needs can be provided with Braille or enlarged texts, in liaison with SU’s Braille Office.
Students with special hearing needs can be supported with sign-language interpretation and real-time captioning during lectures and tutorials, where it is reasonably practicable to do so.
Communication with postgraduate students will be predominantly in English.
Students will still have the opportunity to write their theses and dissertations in either Afrikaans or English.
Funding will be required for PMT modules as well as the translation of study material in the other two categories (see options above 4.2 and 4.3).
The language implementation plan of the Faculty of Theology will be considered for revision annually (until 2017; thereafter, every three years) in view of the availability of staff, personnel feedback, student feedback and changes made to the SU Language Policy.