Military Academy – Stellenbosch University offers world-class military higher education for the defence and security environment, through socially impactful teaching and learning, innovative research, and professional military development.
Stellenbosch University Military Academy Entry Requirements
Prospective applicants for full time undergraduate study must meet the following requirements:
- Be a member of the SANDF;
- Comply with the requirements for medical fitness as laid down by the Surgeon General;
- Be in possession of a matriculation exemption with a minimum of a D- aggregate;
- Comply with the minimum academic entrance admission requirements as prescribed by the Stellenbosch University;
- Candidates must be computer literate before commencing with their studies.
- Be recommended by the Military Academy Selection Board;
- Accommodation is provided for single individuals.
- Qualifications offered
- All qualifications offered by the Faculty are conferred by Stellenbosch University.
Higher Certificate in Military Studies (HCMS) in:
- Human and Organisational Development
- Organisation and Resource Management
- Military Technology
- Technology and Defence Management
- Security and Africa Studies
Bachelor of Military Science (BMil) in:
- Human and Organisation Development
- Organisation and Resource Management
- Technology
- Technology and Defence Management
- Security and Africa Studies
Bachelor of Military Science with Honours (BMilHons)
- Industrial Psychology
- Military Geography
- Military History
- Military Strategy
- Organisation and Resource Management
- Public and Development Management
- Security and Africa Studies
- Technology
Master of Military Science (MMil) in:
- Military Geography
- Military History
- Military Strategy
- Organisation and Resource Management
- Security and Africa Studies
- Technology
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Security Management
- Human and Organisational Development
- Organisation and Resource Management
- Security and Africa Studies
- PhD
Military Academy – Stellenbosch University Contact Details
Faculty Military Science
Private Bag X2
Dean: Faculty Military Science
Prof M.S. Tshehla
Tel: +27 22 702 3003
Vice-Dean Teaching & Learning, Community Interaction
Dr F.L. Monama
Tel: + 27 22 3103
Vice-Dean Human Resource, Community
Lt Col (Dr) M. Nel
Tel: + 27 702 3131
Director: Faculty Management
Mr Andries Fokkens
Tel: +27 22 702 3094
Secretary to the Dean:
Ms Theresa Clarke
Tel: +27 22 702 3019
Faculty Officer
Ms Maria Basson
Tel: +27 22 702 3085
Faculty Clerk
Ms Jeannie Maclachlan
Tel: +27 22 3017
Faculty Officer
Ms Mari Basson
Tel: +27 22 702 3085