
UNISA Forensic Investigation Course Module 2019

UNISA Forensic Investigation Course Module 2019

Information Gathering – FOR2608
Under Graduate Degree Semester module NQF level: 6 Credits: 12
Module presented in English,Afrikaans Module presented online
Recommendation: It is strongly recommended that students complete FOR1501 successfully before registering for FOR2608. It is also strongly recommended that students register for FOR2601and FOR2602 together with FOR2608.
Purpose: This module will be useful to students in the field of corporate, private and public service law enforcement agencies who gather information during the investigation process and who need to develop competencies to successfully investigate crimes, transgressions or irregularities within the ambit of the South African constitution. The processes for the gathering of information will inform students how to apply the principles of humanising the law, social responsibility and Ubuntu.
Principles of Evidence in Forensic Investigation – FOR2609
Under Graduate Degree Semester module NQF level: 6 Credits: 12
Module presented in English,Afrikaans
Recommendation: It is strongly recommended that students first complete CRW1501 and register for CRW2603 together with FOR2609.
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to provide students with detailed knowledge, skills and values to understand all aspects regarding the principles of evidence related to forensic investigation including the legal elements of specific crimes, transgressions and irregularities; search and seizure of evidence; interception of evidence; collection, preservation and presentation of the evidence; the continuity of possession regarding the evidence; burden of proof applicable to different types of evidence; the analysis of evidence; expert statements on admissibility of evidence; and the disposal of evidence. Knowledge and application of the principles of evidence will inform students about the principles of humanizing the law and social responsibility.
Forensic Interviewing IV – FOI401F
Baccalareus Technologiae Degree Year module NQF level: 7 Credits: 17
Module presented in English
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to equip you with the knowledge and skills required to compile a research portfolio in one of the disciplines of criminal justice, namely Forensic Interviewing.
Forensic Methods and Techniques IV – FOM401F
Baccalareus Technologiae Degree Year module NQF level: 7 Credits: 17
Module presented in English
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to equip students with the knowledge and skills required to for compiling a research portfolio in one of the disciplines of criminal justice, mainly Forensic Investigation.
Forensic Methods and Techniques: Module A – FOR3701
Under Graduate Degree Semester module NQF level: 7 Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Pre-requisite: FOR1501 and FOR2601
Purpose: This module will be useful to students to gain well rounded and systematic knowledge and investigation competencies with regard to forensic methods and techniques in the private and public investigation environment. A person credited with this module will be able to manage an investigation unit which include but is not limited to a variety of resources to be used, relationships with role-players, analysis of data and the management of the investigation process.
Forensic Methods and Techniques: Module B – FOR3702
Under Graduate Degree Semester module NQF level: 7 Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Pre-requisite: FOR1501 and FOR2602
Recommendation: It is recommended that students pass FOR3701 before registering for FOR3702
Purpose: This module will be useful to students to gain well rounded, systematic knowledge and investigation competencies with regard to forensic methods and techniques in the private and public investigation environment. A person credited with this module will be able to conduct investigation in relation to risk analysis, investigation of vulnerable areas, systems or e-resources, investigation with regard to non-compliance with policies. This person will further be able to make recommendations to apply a multi-disciplinary approach, develop prevention strategies to prevent reoccurrence through successful investigations.
Investigation of Selected Crimes and Transgressions: Module A – FOR3703
Under Graduate Degree Semester module NQF level: 7 Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Pre-requisite: FOR1502 and FOR2603
Recommendation: It is recommended that students pass FOR3701 and FOR3702 before registering for FOR3703.
Purpose: This module will be useful for students to gain integrated knowledge and investigation competencies with regard to selected crimes, transgressions or irregularities in the private and public investigation environment. Knowledge and application of investigation methods will inform the student about the principles of humanising the law and social responsibility. A person credited with this module will be able to effectively conduct investigations into selected crimes and transgressions, such as economic crimes, crimes against the state, corruption and extortion.
Investigation of Selected Crimes and Transgressions: Module B – FOR3704
Under Graduate Degree Semester module NQF level: 7 Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Pre-requisite: FOR1502
Recommendation: It is strongly recommended that students register for FOR3702 and FOR3703 together with FOR3704.
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to identify and conduct investigations of selected crimes and transgressions specific to cybercrime in terms of the Electronic Communication and Transaction Act , 2002 (Act No. 25 of 2002) and organised crime in terms of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1988 (Act No. 121 of 1988). Qualifying students will be able to effectively identify and conduct investigations and gain integrated knowledge and investigation competencies with regard to selected crimes, irregularities and transgressions in the private and public investigation environment. The identification and conducting of investigation into Selected Crimes and Transgressions will inform students how to apply the principles of humanising the law and social responsibility.
Advanced Forensic Crime Intelligence – FOR3705
Under Graduate Degree Semester module NQF level: 7 Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Pre-requisite: FOR1501, FOR2601, FOR2602 and FOR2607
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to apply and manage intelligence-led investigations in the private and public investigation environment. This module will be useful for students to gain well rounded and systematic knowledge of strategic, operational and tactical forensic crime intelligence. Qualifying students will be able to make use of overt and covert collection techniques, manage intelligence-led investigations, and apply overt and covert collection techniques in the private and public investigation environment.
Forensic Methods and Techniques – FOR1501
Under Graduate Degree Semester module NQF level: 5 Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: This module will provide an overview of the field of forensic investigation whilst highlighting the interrelated principles and procedures of criminal investigation. The module will provide an overview of forensic investigative terminology, basic principles, methods, techniques and concepts and aims to develop investigation competencies regarding forensic investigation methods and techniques in respect of crimes and other irregularities/ incidents. This module is focussed on practical investigative work by an investigator who functions in the public, private and corporate environment and not that of the forensic scientist who functions in a laboratory. A student credited with this module will be able to: – Demonstrate an understanding of the basic principles and procedures relating to the investigation of crimes, incidents and transgressions that may occur in the public, private or corporate environment. – Identify and analyse a situation as constituting a crime, incident or transgression in order to determine the resources that must be activated and the procedures that must be followed.
Forensic Investigative Resources – FOR3706
Under Graduate Degree Semester module NQF level: 7 Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Pre-requisite: FOR1501 Co-requisite: FOR3701 and FOR3702
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to identify and use forensic investigative resources to inform students on how to apply the principles of humanising the law and social responsibility. Qualifying students will be able to make use of appropriate and financially viable resource, manage the application/activities of the selected resource(s) and analyse and utilise the information/product delivered in terms of their investigation. This module will be useful to students in private and public investigation environment who make use of forensic investigative resources during the investigative process.
Investigation of Selected Crimes and Transgressions – FOR1502
Under Graduate Degree Semester module NQF level: 5 Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Co-requisite: FOR1501
Purpose: The purpose of this module is for students to gain a general understanding regarding the investigation of selected crimes and transgressions, namely intimidation, perjury, absenteeism, misuse of company property, sexual harassment, nepotism and racism within the ambit of the South African criminal justice system, common law, statutory law and company policies. This module is focussed on practical detective work and not the forensic laboratory scientist.
Identification IV – IDE401F
Baccalareus Technologiae Degree Year module NQF level: 7 Credits: 17
Module presented in English
Purpose: Identification is probable the most important method in forensic investigation. An investigator must have the ability, when listening to the victim to identify the crime and when visiting the scene to identify clues and physical evidence which could be used to solve the crime under investigation. This subject provides the learner the opportunity to decide on any technique that can be used during the identification process he/she wants to specialize in. The offering is research based. The learner decide on the technique (topic) and research that. Two assignments will be submitted followed by the submission of the final research report on the topic in the form of a mini dissertation which will be evaluated on same principles as a dissertation.
Forensic Methods and Techniques II (Module A) – FOR2601
Under Graduate Degree Semester module NQF level: 6 Credits: 12
Module presented in English,Afrikaans
Purpose: This module will be useful to students in the private and public investigation environments who make use of forensic investigation methods, techniques and concepts during the investigative process. A person credited with this module will be able to apply the following appropriate methods and techniques during a forensic investigation of a crime or other incident: • Display professional conduct through a forensic investigation into criminal/civil transgressions/incidents within the private and public investigation environment. • Demonstrate an understanding of advanced investigative principles and procedures required for a successful forensic investigation into criminal/civil transgressions/incidents.
Intelligence IV – INL401F
Baccalareus Technologiae Degree Year module NQF level: 7 Credits: 17
Module presented in English
Purpose: Intelligence is a method in forensic investigation. No investigation can be successful without information. Some information is easy to obtain, others more difficult and needs the utilization of sophisticated techniques, such as informers, agents, surveillance, etc. This subject provides the learner the opportunity to decide on any technique that can be used during the intelligence gathering process he/she wants to specialize in. The offering is research based. The learner decide on the technique, formulate a topic and research that. Two assignments will be submitted followed by the submission of the final research report on the topic in the form of a mini dissertation which will be evaluated on same principles as a dissertation.
Forensic Methods and Techniques II (Module B) – FOR2602
Under Graduate Degree Semester module NQF level: 6 Credits: 12
Module presented in English,Afrikaans
Purpose: This module will be useful for students to gain insight and develop forensic investigation competencies with regard to forensic investigation methods, techniques and concepts in private and public investigation environment. A person credited with this module will be able to conduct a successful investigation and compile the necessary docket/case file/reports and be able to use the relevant recording resources when capturing information.
Litigation Process IV – LTP401F
Baccalareus Technologiae Degree Year module NQF level: 7 Credits: 17
Module presented in English
Purpose: Forensic investigation means court aimed investigations. The whole investigation process can be regarded as part of the litigation process because it is aimed at gathering evidence that will stand the scrutiny of the court. The investigator plays a vital role in the process. It is his/her duty to gather the evidence by using techniques that will be admissible in court, to liaise with the prosecutor, testifying and assist the prosecutor in presenting the evidence. This subject provides the learner the opportunity to decide on any technique that can be used during the litigation process he/she wants to specialize in. The offering is research based. The learner decide on the technique, formulate a topic and research that. Two assignments will be submitted followed by the submission of the final research report on the topic in the form of a mini dissertation which will be evaluated on same principles as a dissertation.
Investigation of Selected Crimes and Transgressions (Module A) – FOR2603
Under Graduate Degree Semester module NQF level: 6 Credits: 12
Module presented in English,Afrikaans Module presented online
Pre-requisite: FOR1501
Recommendation: It is strongly recommended that students complete FOR2601 and FOR2602 successfully before registering for FOR2603.
Purpose: This module will be useful to students in private and public service investigation environment who are tasked with the forensic investigation of selected crimes and transgressions. A person credited with this module will be able to conduct a forensic investigation; develop possible indicators and prevention measures into the following crimes and/or transgressions: Fraud, forgery and uttering, traffic related offences, public violence, arson, drugs related offences, firearms related offences, malicious damage to property, housebreaking and robbery (common).
Scene of Incident IV – SCI401F
Baccalareus Technologiae Degree Year module NQF level: 7 Credits: 18
Module presented in English
Purpose: The scene of incident is the starting point of all illicit transactions or actions. Based on the Locard Principle evidence will be found on the scene that can link the perpetrator to the illegal transaction. It is a challenge to the investigator to find these hidden tracks. This subject provides the learner the opportunity to decide on any technique that can be used in working through the scene he/she wants to specialize in. The offering is research based. The learner decide on the technique, formulate a topic and research that. Two assignments will be submitted followed by the submission of the final research report on the topic in the form of a mini dissertation which will be evaluated on same principles as a dissertation.
Scene of Incident – FOR2605
Under Graduate Degree Semester module NQF level: 6 Credits: 12
Module presented in English,Afrikaans
Purpose: This module will be useful to students in private and public investigation environment who are tasked to investigate and manage crime scenes/incidents.
Forensic Crime Intelligence – FOR2607
Under Graduate Degree Semester module NQF level: 6 Credits: 12
Module presented in English,Afrikaans
Purpose: This module will be useful to students in private and public investigation environment who obtain and utilise forensic crime intelligence during the investigative process. A person credited with this module will be able to: – Understand the theories and principles of forensic crime intelligence. – Obtain and use forensic crime intelligence during the investigative process – Process the information into forensic crime intelligence.
