
University Of Johannesburg SRC

University Of Johannesburg SRC, the University of Johannesburg (UJ) is pleased to announce that the incoming 2018 central Student Representative Council (UJSRC) was constituted on Wednesday, 11 May 2018.
The central UJSRC and the four campus SRCs are the student-elected voice of the student body at the University and it represents the students, and their overall interests and needs by providing a link between students and the University’s management structures. The central and campus SRCs initiate and encourage individuality, critical thinking and the upholding of values of tolerance and respect.
The elections were contested by three political organisations and 14 independent candidates and were declared free and fair by the Electoral Commission.
The SRC elections were successfully concluded following three days of polling (13 – 15 April 2018) on all campuses. Voter turnout was broadly in line with previous years, overall, 10 107 or 20% of UJ’s 51 313 students voted for their new representative body, slightly down from 22% at the last election in October 2014. There were no elections in 2015. Voter turnout by campus indicated marked differences in student interest levels in the electoral process, with 45% or 2 880 of 6 426 of the student body at the Soweto Campus voting, 26% or 1 278 of 4 925 at Auckland Park Bunting Road Campus, 2 808 of 11 506 or 24% in Doornfontein, and 11% or 3 141 of 28 456 at the Auckland Park Kingsway Campus.
The constituted members of the UJSRC are as follows:



  • President – Mr Onwabile Lubhelwana;
  • Deputy President –  Ms Justina Komana;
  • Secretary-General – Mr Mfuneko Mnyele; and
  • Treasurer-General – Ms Kgaogelo Molokomme.

The UJSRC comprises of two female and six male students.
The overall composition of all the  SRC members for the 2016 Academic Year is 40% female students and 60% male students across all campuses, based on a total number of 48 positions and the numbers per campus are as follows:

  • Auckland Park Bunting Road SRC, six female and four male
  • Auckland Park Kingsway Road SRC, five female and five male
  • Doornfontein Campus SRC, two female and eight male
  • Soweto Campus SRC, four female and six male.

To see the SRC structure and the names of the elected representatives, please click here

