
University Of Kwazulu Natal Library

University Of Kwazulu Natal Library,  The Main Library was founded in 1961 and was located at Salisbury Island. In the early 1970s the Library moved to Westville when the University of Durban-Westville relocated.
The Library serves the needs of students, staff and researchers in the Commerce and Management Sciences, Health Sciences, and the Sciences (Life Sciences, Mathematics, Biology, Biochemistry, Geology, Chemistry, Physics and Computer Science).
The collection consists of more than 250 000 volumes of books, journals and other multi-media items in various formats, and a growing collection of electronic resources, in particular journals. The Library also has an important audio-visual collection. Off campus access to a range of online databases and journals is available to UKZN staff and registered students. You will need to authenticate yourself with your lan login.
An Academic Reserves collection is available at Westville housing copies of prescribed and  recommended books and other materials in high demand. Such materials must be used in the library during the day but may be borrowed overnight or for weekends. Please consult the nearest Academic Reserves desk for information. There is also a guide under the ‘Services’ tab on this website.
An Interlibrary loans service provides items required for academic research work which are not held by a particular campus library or any of the UKZN libraries. Items that are borrowed from outside UKZN are borrowed from any library in the country that forms part of the ILL agreement. There are charges in certain circumstances, please consult the ILL office before you submit requests.
The library has a post graduate Research Commons.
An Subject librarians are available to assist users with information related queries and user education. Please consult the ‘Contact us’ tab on the library website.
Libguides are subject based information guides to information resources for the different disciplines.
click here to access the library
click here to view library hours

