
University Of Limpopo General Rules

University Of Limpopo General Rules, General School Rules should be read in conjunction with the University General Rules and the Faculty Rules and, except where otherwise laid down, expressly or by necessary implication, should hold good for the individual Departments.


1.2 The Faculty is the custodian of all academic rules in the Faculty. All proposed academic rule changes at School and Departmental level, must be approved by the Faculty before implementation.




2.1 The following rules should be read in conjunction with Section A of the General Rules and Rules FSA2 to FSA4 of the Faculty Rules.

2.2 The School offers four qualifications. 

·          Bachelor of Science ( Baccalaureus Scientiae ):                                        BSc

·          Honours Bachelor of Science ( Honours Baccalaureus Scientiae ):           BSc (Hons)

·          Master of Science ( Magister Scientiae ):                                                  MSc

·          Doctor of Philosophy ( Philosophiæ Doctor ):                                            PhD

2.3        Every student shall follow an approved curriculum for the period prescribed for the degree. Particular admission requirements, programme composition, restrictions and/or prerequisites are subject to Departmental rules.

2.4        Module titles, credit values, content and prerequisites/entry assumptions are described under Departmental module descriptors.




3.1 In addition to the rules in this Section, those contained under Sections A and B of the General Rules of the University and Section A and B of the Faculty Rules also apply.

3.2 A minimum of 360 credits is required to obtain a BSc degree.

3.3 The curriculum shall extend over three year levels and be composed of a combination of modules that include two majors as defined under Departmental Rules.  Majors may also be selected from programmes offered by other Schools, provided all the conditions explained under Rule FSA3 are satisfied.

3.4A total of 120 or more credits shall be required normally for registration of a qualification at SAQA levels 5 to 6 (year level 1 to year level 3), with a minimum of 72 credits being obtained at or above the level at which the qualification is registered, from modules recognised for credit purposes by the School of Molecular and Life Sciences.

3.5 Students who are repeating modules may, under exceptional circumstances, be exempted from the practical component of the module, subject to approval from the Head of Department.

3.6 First time entering students with:

A National Senior Certificate (NSC) with university exemption   requires the following minimum results:

3.6.1Mathematics (4), Life Science (4), Physical Science (4), English (4), Additional Subject 1 (3) and Additional Subject 2 (3). Total minimum Admission Point Score (APS) must be 22.

A Matriculation exemption obtained prior to 2008 requires the following minimum results:

3.6.2 At least an E (F) symbol in the Standard (Higher) grade in Matriculation Mathematics and

3.6.3 A rating of 30 or more on the Selection scale for the School of Molecular and Life Sciences.  The rating is calculated as the sum of marks obtained for the six best matric subjects.  The symbol for subjects on the standard grade have the following values:  A=8, B=7, C=6, D=5, E=4, F=3, G=2, H=1.  Symbols of subjects on the higher grade, add one point to the value.

3.6.4 Admission can also be acquired through the successful completion of the EDP-programme with pass marks in Mathematics, Biology and English.


3.6.5 Admission can also be acquired by students with a qualification other than the NSC or Matriculation exemption provided that such a qualification was verified by the Higher Education South Africa (HESA).   



4.1 These rules should be read in conjunction with the General Rules G12 to G23 and the Faculty Rules FSA4.

4.2 These rules should be read in conjunction with the School Assessment Policy and Procedure.

4.3 Rules in the assessment venue are aligned with the University Examination Rules for Candidates:

4.3.1 The examination process Candidates shall take their seats at least twenty (20) minutes before the commencement of the examination. Candidates will not be allowed into the examination hall thirty (30) minutes after the commencement of the examination session. Candidates shall produce their student cards as they enter the examination hall and shall keep such cards on display on the desk next to their seat number. Candidates shall complete the Attendance Register at the beginning of each session, before writing the examination otherwise they will be marked as having been absent from the examination in that session. Candidates shall be required to fill in the required particulars on the Answer Book in full and shall number such books correctly in instances where more than one book is used for the examination in each session. Candidates shall not be allowed to leave the examination hall within an hour after the commencement of the examination during each session. Candidates who leave the examination hall during an examination session and return with the express intention of continuing with the examination in progress, will not be permitted to do so. Candidates shall be permitted to leave only with the express purpose of responding to the call of nature, and to return to the examination hall during a session and then only if under escort and supervision of an invigilator. Candidates shall bring to the examination hall a student card, pens, pencils, ruler, eraser ink and calculator only. No borrowing of material is permitted among candidates. Only material that is required by the University to assist the candidates in the examination shall be indicated on the particular examination question paper. Candidates shall not communicate with each other during the examination. The only communication that is permitted in an examination hall is between the candidate and the invigilator. No smoking is allowed in the examination hall nor shall candidates be allowed any smoking break during an examination session. No cell phone or any other unauthorized communication device is allowed to be operative inside an examination hall or during the examination period without the express permission of the invigilator.

4.3.2 Failure to observe the rules of examination may lead to: the candidate having all his/her examinations in the session concerned, cancelled; and/or the prohibition of such a candidate from continuing with the rest of the examination in that year; and/or the application of such measures as Council may impose as a penalty under the circumstance. a student who has been found guilty of fraud (examination fraud or any other) at a Student Disciplinary Committee meeting will automatically be expelled from the University. a student found with notes in the examination room will with immediate effect have his/her registration suspended.  Such a student will not be allowed to continue the course, write examinations or do practicals until a Disciplinary Hearing has been held.  Such a hearing must be held within 4 weeks of the suspension. a student who presents a fraudulent Sick Certificate for an examination/re-examination will likewise have his/her registration suspended pending a Disciplinary Hearing within 4 weeks.




5.1 The rules contained under Sections A, C, D, E and F in the General Rules of the University and Section A, C, D and E of the Faculty Rules apply.

5.2 Admission and registration of Honours-, Masters- and Doctoral degrees follow applicable Departmental rules.

5.3 Renewal of registration for Masters and Doctoral students will only be allowed subject to the approval of the Head of Department and supervisor concerned.

5.4 Submission and assessment of Honours Extended Essays shall be completed, for full-time students, before the end of the academic year of enrolment and for part-time students, before the end of the second year of enrolment.
