University Of Pretoria Wifi
University Of Pretoria Wifi, The University of Pretoria (the University, UP) makes computing resources (including, but not limited to, computer facilities and services, computers, networks, electronic mail, electronic information sources and software systems) available to staff, registered students and registered guests to support the educational, research and service missions of the University.
Usage of these computing resources is subject to the policies of the University as well as applicable South African legislation.
Some of the important stipulations contained in these policies and legislation are repeated here for your information:
· Usage of the computing resources of the University must comply with:
o applicable license agreements
o copyright restrictions
· The computing resources of the University may NOT be used to:
o impersonate someone else
o breach the confidentiality of information or the privacy of the University or its members
o create, transmit, retrieve, store or publish material that is offensive, pornographic, racist or defamatory, or is intended to harass, threaten or defame another person
o intentionally infect the University’s electronic resources with any form of malware
o attempt to circumvent system security or to gain unauthorised access to any electronic resource
o burden the University’s network with non-academic data (by, for example, up- or downloading, accessing or forwarding large video clips, photographs or graphics)
o send spam
o commit plagiarism
o promote or conduct business activities for personal gain or profit
o commit fraud or any other criminal offence
· The following equipment may not be connected to the University’s network:
o any device that may be infected with malware, or that is not reasonably protected against such infections
o unauthorised network devices or other communication equipment
The University’s policy on acceptable use on computing resources and a list of othr relevant UP policies and South African legislation are available on the page: Relevant Policies. Users are requested to ensure that they take cognisance the contents of these documents. Failure to abide by any of these policies will be considered an act of misconduct. The University may initiate appropriate investigation and action against offenders.
Please contact the University’s IT Helpdesk by telephone (012 420 3051) or email ( if you have any questions or wish to report any breaches of these regulations.