
Vaal University Of Technology Engineering

Vaal University Of Technology Engineering, Welcome to the Faculty of Engineering & Technology at the Vaal University of Technology, where you will build an exciting future career in engineering. Here you will empower yourself by choosing one of our eight programmes leading to a rewarding career in engineering.


Our programmes are fully accredited by the relevant Engineering professional body in South Africa (Engineering Council of South Africa). Thus our graduates are internationally recognised once they register with Engineering Council South Africa.

Unlike scientists who study the world as it is, engineers create the world that has never been. In this faculty you will not only learn how to make things but also, through creativity and innovation, how to better them. As wealth creators, Engineers play a pivotal role in the economy of any nation. Let nobody frighten you that engineering is difficult; all you need is to consistently work hard and remain focused.


The staff and course details are covered under each programme in the prospectus.

The members of staff of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology are looking forward to guide and form part of your education as you build your future career in engineering.

The one thing you all should not forget is that this is a University, a totally different ball game from your previous schools. This place is for studies, so students get on with it.


You may assume time is on your side, but read my lips, your colleagues in other institutions are working very hard to join us in nation building, please, do not be left behind.

In This Section
