
Vaal University Of Technology IT Courses

Vaal University Of Technology IT Courses, want to know more about information technology at Vaal University Of Technology. read the details below


Information Technology Course Programmes

National Diploma: Information Technology

Three year full-time course with two and a half years class attendance and six months in-service training / practical project. The course is offered at Vanderbijlpark and Ekurhuleni.


The IT Diploma is offered in two specialised fields: Business Applications & Software Development.

Career Opportunities

Computerisation of most facets of modern society creates a multitude of possibilities. In-service training includes the development of prototypes or systems and / or the supervised support of existing systems. The typical entry level is that of a Programmer with a quick advance to the level of Senior Programmer. Further promotions are to the level of Systems Analyst, Network Administrator or Database Administrator.


Year 1

Development Software
  • Information Systems I
  • Systems Software I
  • Development Software I
  • Programming Logic I
  • Accounting Skills I
  • Information Technology Skills I
  • Communication I / EDL

Year 2

Development Software
  • Information Systems II
  • Development Software II
  • Business Analysis II
  • Systems Software II
  • Web Management II
  • Communication II

Year 3

Development Software
  • Development Software III
  • Business Analysis III

Year 1

Business Applications
  • Information Systems I
  • Systems Software I
  • Development Software I
  • Programming Logic I
  • Accounting Skills I
  • Information Technology Skills I
  • Communication I / EDL

Year 2

Business Applications
  • Information Systems II
  • Development Software II
  • Business Analysis II
  • Systems Software II
  • Web Management II
  • Communication I

Year 3

Business Applications
  • Information Systems II
  • Business Analysis III


The department follows two assessment strategies: Exams and CASS (Continuous Assessment). For the Continuous Assessment (CASS) strategy, no formal exams are written. Therefore all marks obtained during the semester will make up a learner’s final mark. This makes it crucial for every learner to work hard during the semester on all tests and activities to constantly build a good final mark to ensure a pass in the subject module. Each Learning Guide will indicate which tests (theory and practical) and activities (assignments and projects) will contribute (summative assessment), according to a pre-determined weight, to the final mark. Weights for calculating the final mark will also be reflected in your Learning Guide. All other tests and activities will be formative assessment to help learners to learn and understand the work.


For the Exam strategy, formal exams are written. All marks obtained during the semester will make up a learner’s year mark. This makes it crucial for every learner to work hard during the semester on all tests and activities to constantly build towards a good year mark to ensure a pass in the final exam. Each Learning Guide will indicate which tests (theory and practical) and activities (assignments and projects) will contribute, according to a pre-determined weight, to the final mark. Weights for calculating the final mark will also be reflected in your Learning Guide. All other tests and activities will help learners to learn and understand the work.

Articulation Options

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Information Technology

The BTech: IT is offered at both the Vanderbijlpark and Ekurhuleni campus. It is offered on a part time basis. Different subjects are offered at the two campuses. The minimum duration is 18 months. Ten modules must be completed, this includes a research project.

NB: It is imperative that students wishing to apply for BTech: Information Technology, have an average of 60% for their final year subjects.

Admission Requirements:

ND: Information Technology.

(Ad hoc cases will be treated on merit).


Two Years if attended at one campus.


Compulsory Subject

  • Information & Technology Management IV
  • Advanced Information & Technology Management IV
  • Project Management IV
  • Strategic Information Systems IV
  • Research Methodology IV
  • Project IV (Research Project)

Choice Subjects (Choose 4)

  • Software Engineering & Design IV
  • Artificial Intelligence IV
  • Expert Systems IV
  • Computer Security IV
  • Networks IV
  • Operating Systems IV
  • Database Administration IV

Magister Technologiae: Information Technology

Admission Requirements:

BTech: Information Technology and Research Methodology as a prerequisite

(Ad hoc cases will be treated on merit).


Minimum two years, maximum three years part-time study.


Research project by dissertation.

Doctoris Technologiae: Information Technology

Admission Requirements:

MTech: Information Technology.

(Ad hoc cases will be treated on merit).


Minimum two years, maximum four years part-time study.


Research project by thesis.

Work Integrated Learning

Although the IT Diploma does not have a formal Work Integrated Learning component the third year learners do a project for six months. This could either be within a working environment or a self-chosen project. The learner is responsible to obtain practical development work since the project entails a complete working application.
