
Vaal University Of Technology Metallurgical Engineering

Vaal University Of Technology Metallurgical Engineering, Engineering: Metallurgical is to develop the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills required for the student’s further learning towards becoming a competent practicing Metallurgical Engineering Technician.


It is intended to subsequently empower candidate Engineering Technicians to demonstrate that they are capable of applying their acquired knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes and values in the work environments in South Africa. It is designed also to add value to the qualifying student in terms of enrichment of the person, status and recognition.

Career Opportunities


Many opportunities exist at primary producers of both ferrous and non-ferrous metals as well as in the manufacturing industry. Metallurgical Engineering Technicians may be involved in developing new processes / procedures in the extraction / manufacturing industry as well as optimising / improving existing processes; ensuring the quality of products during the different stages of the process and testing and inspection of the final material / product.

National Diploma: Engineering: Metallurgical

Program Structure

Three year full time qualification:

Two years (four semesters S1 to S4) at the Vaal University of Technology

One year (two semesters P1 and P2) Work Integrated Learning (WIL)

Purpose of the National Diploma: Engineering: Metallurgical

The purpose of the qualification National Diploma: Engineering: Metallurgical is to develop the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills required for the student’s further learning towards becoming a competent practicing Metallurgical Engineering Technician. It is intended to subsequently empower candidate Engineering Technicians to demonstrate that they are capable of applying their acquired knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes and values in the work environments in South Africa. It is designed also to add value to the qualifying student in terms of enrichment of the person, status and recognition.

Career Opportunities

Many opportunities exist at primary producers of both ferrous and non-ferrous metals as well as in the manufacturing industry. Metallurgical Engineering Technicians may be involved in developing new processes / procedures in the extraction / manufacturing industry as well as optimising / improving existing processes; ensuring the quality of products during the different stages of the process and testing and inspection of the final material / product.


Semester 1

  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Mathematics
  • Metallurgy
  • Mechanical Engineering Drawing
  • Computer Skills
  • Communication Studies 1.1

Semester 2

  • Metallurgical Chemistry
  • Physical Metallurgy
  • Practical Metallurgy
  • Mathematics
  • Communication Studies 1.1
  • Optional subjects:
  • Strength of Materials (PM Option) or
  • Mineral Processing (EM Option)

Semester 3

  • Quality Control
  • Metallurgical Thermodynamics
  • Communication Studies 1
  • Either:
    • Physical Metallurgy (PM Option) or
    • Applied Mineral Processing (EM Option)
    • Optional Subjects (Choose 3)
    • Materials Testing: Metallurgy (PM Option)
    • Extraction of Non-Ferrous Metals (EM Option)
    • Production of Iron & Steel (EM Option)
    • Foundry Technology (PM & EM Option)
    • Ferroalloy Technology (EM Option)
    • Geology (EM Option)
    • Mechanical Deformation Technology (PM Option)
    • Chemical Metallurgy (EM Option)
    • Refractories (EM Option)

Semester 4

  • Physical Metallurgy (PM Option)
  • Applied Mineral Processing (EM Option)
  • Optional Subjects (Choose 4)
  • Foundry Technology (PM & EM Option)
  • Corrosion (PM & EM Option)
  • Quality Control (PM & EM Option)
  • Chemical Metallurgy (EM Option)
  • Mechanical Metallurgy (PM Option)
  • Welding Technology (PM Option)
  • Mechanical Deformation Technology (PM Option)
  • Extraction of Non-Ferrous Metals (EM Option)
  • Production of Iron & Steel (EM Option)
  • Heat & Mass Transfer (PM & EM Option)
  • Refractories (EM Option)

Semester 5

  • Experiential Training P1

Semester 6

  • Experiential Training P2

EM = Extractive Metallurgy

PM = Physical Metallurgy

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Metallurgical

This qualification is offered at the Vanderbijlpark campus only.

Program Structure

One year full time or two years part time qualification.

Purpose of the Baccalaureus Technologiae: Metallurgical

The purpose of the qualification Baccalaureus Technologiae: Engineering: Metallurgical is to develop the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills required for the student’s further learning towards becoming a competent practicing Metallurgical Engineering Technologist. It is intended to subsequently empower candidate Engineering Technologist to demonstrate that they are capable of applying their acquired knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes and values in the work environments in South Africa. It is designed also to add value to the qualifying student in terms of enrichment of the person, status and recognition.

Admission Requirements

The prerequisite for this qualification is a National Diploma, including twelve months Workplace-Integrated Learning, with a minimum of 65% average for the Semester four subjects or all Diploma subjects.

This course is offered from January to November on Fridays.

All other equivalent qualifications will be treated ad hoc.

Career Opportunities

A successful candidate can pursue a career as a technologist in one of the following specialisation fields: Physical Metallurgy or Extractive Metallurgy.


SemesterPhysical MetallurgyHydro-MetallurgyPyro-Metallurgy
1 & 2Project 4MPR4MPR4
1Mathematics 3Mathematics 3Mathematics 3
1Metallurgical ThermodynamicsMetallurgical Thermodynamics 3Metallurgical Thermodynamics 3
1Physical Metallurgy 4Applied Mineral Processing 4Applied Mineral Processing 4
2Materials Deformation Technology 4Extraction of Non-Ferrous Metals 4Production of Iron and Steel 4
2Corrosion 4Mineralogy 3Corrosion 4

Magister Technologiae: Engineering: Metallurgical

This qualification is offered at the Vanderbijlpark campus only.

Program Structure

At least one year full time research, concluded with a Masters Dissertation.

Purpose of the Magister Technologiae: Engineering: Metallurgical

The purpose of this qualification is to develop a student into a researcher, able to conduct independent research with minimum guidance in a chosen field of Metallurgical Engineering. The outcomes of the research will contribute to knowledge production in the specialisation field. It also promotes a lifelong learning approach and an aptitude for training other students in similar fields.


Admission Requirements

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Engineering: Metallurgical.

Proof of successful completion of a Vaal University of Technology approved course in Research Methodology.

Ad hoc cases will be treated on merit.

Doctor Technologiae: Engineering: Metallurgical

This qualification is offered at the Vanderbijlpark campus only.

Program Structure

At least two years full time research, concluded with a Doctoral Thesis.

Purpose of the Doctor Technologiae: Engineering: Metallurgical

The purpose of the qualification is to develop a researcher who will make a significant and original contribution to knowledge in a specialised area of metallurgical engineering and technology. To develop a researcher in metallurgical engineering with advanced abilities, to independently apply electrical engineering design, synthesis, and related principles, to specific problems of society at large. One of the main objectives in this process is to develop an advanced capability to conduct engineering research of an original nature. It also promotes a lifelong learning approach and an aptitude for training other students in similar fields.

Admission Requirements

Magister Technologiae: Metallurgical.

Ad hoc cases will be treated on merit.


The department follows the assessment strategy of formal written exams. The year mark is compiled from a series of not less than three tests and / or a practical mark. The year mark for admittance to the formal examination is 50%. Weights for calculating the year mark as well as the final mark will be reflected in the Learning Guide. All tests, assignments and practical work done during a particular semester, will help learners learn and understand the work.

Some subjects follow the assessment strategies of Continuous Assessment (CASS). All marks obtained during the semester will make up the learner’s final mark. Each subject’s Learning Guide will indicate which tests and activities will contribute according to a pre-determined weight, to the final mark.

Work Integrated Learning

The National Diploma: Engineering: Metallurgical has a formal Work Integrated Learning component of twelve months. This takes place at a Vaal University of Technology accredited employer (company). The student has the responsibility of finding suitable placement after which the student will register for the two semesters of practical. In co-operation with a mentor, the learner will provide progress reports at regular intervals.

Metallurgical Engineering

Department: Metallurgical Engineering

Faculty: Engineering and Technology: Diploma: Engineering Metallurgical,

B Tech: Engineering Metallurgical, M Tech: Engineering Metallurgical

  1. Admission Requirement

Applicants with a National Certificate (Vocational) at NQF Level 4
Applicant with a Senior Certificate

SCNational                  Senior CertificateCompulsory Subjects EnglishMathematics Physical ScienceAny THREE other subjects excluding Life OrientationTotalMinimum 4443 X3 = 09213 = 40 – 49%
4 = 50 – 59%
5 = 60 – 69 %
6 = 70 – 79 %
7 = 80 – 89 %8 = 90 – 100 %

Note: Scholars who do not qualify for the Diploma Programmes may apply for the extended programmes. Tel: (016) 950-9589. For details on the extended programmes see VUT website

2. Diploma

Semester 1:  Applied Communication Skills 1.1, Engineering Chemistry 1, Introduction to Engineering 1, Computing Application 1, Engineering Mathematics 1,

Engineering Physics 1, Social Intelligence 1

Semester 2: Applied Communication Skills 1.2, Computing Applications 2, Engineering Chemistry 2, Engineering Drawing 1, Engineering Mathematics 2, Engineering Physics 2, Safety Principles and Law 1

Semester 3: Applied Communications Skills 2.1, Engineering Geology 1, Extractive Metallurgy 1, Manufacturing Metallurgy 1, Mineral Processing 1, Physical

Metallurgy 1, Process Thermodynamics 1.

Semester 4: Applied Communication Skills 2.2, Hydrometallurgy 2, Manufacturing Metallurgy 2, Mineral Processing 2, Physical Metallurgy 2, Pyro-metallurgy 2,

Quality Control 2

Semester    5: Environmental Chemistry 1, Hydrometallurgy 3, Management 1, Manufacturing Metallurgy 3, Mineral Processing 3, Physical Metallurgy 3, Pyro-

metallurgy 3

Semester 6: Work-Integrated Learning (Metallurgy),

3. Baccalaureus Technologiae  (B Tech )-  Admission requirements

All applicants must have a Diploma or National Diploma including 12 months Work Integrated Learning.

This Programme is offered from January to November, on Fridays (1 year). The Programme consists of a year-long project plus a minimum of three subjects from the options listed below.

3.1 Curriculum

1&2EYMPR4A (Project)EYMPR4A (Project)EYMPR4A (Project)
1AMISS3C (Mathematics 3)AMISS3C(Mathematics 3)AMISS3C(Mathematics 3)
1EYMMW3A(Metallurgical Thermodynamics)EYMMW3A(Metallurgical Thermodynamics)EYMMW3A(Metallurgical Thermodynamics)
1EYMFD4A(Physical Metallurgy)EYMEN4A(Applied Mineral Processing 4)EYMEN4A(Applied Mineral Processing 4)
2EYMMI4A(Materials Deformation Technology 4)EYMEC4A(Extraction of Non- ferrous Metals 4)EYMYA4A(Production of Iron and Steel 4)
2EYMKR4A(Corrosion 4)EYMKN3A(Mineralogy 3)EYMKR4A(Corrosion 4)
  1. M Tech

B Tech or equivalent:

This is a purely research qualification. The student should prove that he/she has passed an approved Programme in research methodology. The entrance requirement is a relevant BTech or equivalent.

4.1 Masters of Engineering in Metallurgical Engineering (MEng Metallurgy)

Admission requirements: a BEng Degree or Equivalent level 8 qualification including the Postgraduate Diploma Duration of Programme: The equivalent of 1 year full-time study.

Programme Structure: This instructional programme comprises of a thesis only.

5. What are the functions of the Metallurgical Technician?

He/she will be involved in:

Developing new processes/procedures in the extraction/manufacturing industry as well as optimising/improving existing processes; ensuring the quality of products during the different stages of the process; testing and inspection of the final material/product.

6. Career Opportunities

Many opportunities exist at primary producers of both ferrous and non-ferrous metals as well as in the manufacturing industry. Enquiries may be addressed to:

Head of Department: Metallurgical Engineering

Vaal University of Technology Private Bag X021 VANDERBIJLPARK 1900

Tel: (016) 950 9243;  Fax: (016) 950 9796
